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Peace Summit at Harrenhal

Political event


Rhaegar Targaryen calls for a truce between rebels and loyalists; a council at Harrenhal is organized to discuss the future of the realm, following the death of Robert the Usurper at the Battle of the Trident.

At Harrenhal, rebels and loyalists alike are met with a surprise; Rhaegar is accompanied by his Dornish wife Elia Martell, and their two children, but also his second wife, Lyanna Stark, and their son, who is named Aemon Targaryen. It is at this summit that Rhaegar reveals that he wed Lyanna out of love, and laments the loss of Robert, praising his enemy despite the horrors the Stag might have wrought on his family given the chance, in the name of revenge.   Aerys is infuriated at his son for marrying without his leave, to a Stark no less, though Rhaegar is swift in shutting his own royal father down, establishing for all the lords to see who the true power behind the throne is. Some Dornish, particularly the Stony Dornish, are incensed at the disrespect shown to Elia Martell by Rhaegar wedding Lyanna Stark, but the rage is seen less among the other populations of Dorne. It is later speculated that the general acceptance for paramours and the like was a possible contributing factor in preventing outright hostilities, alongside Elia’s own acceptance and agreement to the situation. Targaryens have taken multiple wives before, after all.   Whilst Rhaegar has now demonstrated he does not intend to carry out his father’s wishes in executing the rebel leaders, he cannot let them leave unpunished. He strips Eddard and Jon of their names and titles, and sends them to take the Black, joining the Night’s Watch. He names Benjen Stark as Lord Protector of the North, regent for Eddard’s infant son by his wife Catelyn, a boy named Robb.   In the Vale, the situation is more complex; Jon’s own Tully wife Lysa has not yet proven fruitful for them, and with their marriage effectively dissolved by her husband’s actions and consequences, the girl is sent back to Riverrun a despoiled prize. Instead, Rhaegar honours the female line, and grants leave for Harrold Hardyng, once again another infant, to take the name Harrold Arryn, with Lady Anye Waynwood as his regent until he comes of age. Robb and Harrold would become a member of a group known as the Boy Lords, as many noble and great houses were reduced to regency over children in the wake of the War of the Usurper.   The Westerlands are looked upon harshly for this inactivity in the war, though Rhaegar does not punish them as Aerys demanded he did. Rather he offers Tywin amends for the wrongs his father did to him, by proposing the smallest-- And youngest --Lannister, Tyrion, wed his daughter Rhaenys or newborn sister Daenerys when they came of age. It is said at first Tywin blanched at the prospect, as his distaste for his younger son was known to all, but bent the knee and accepted the honour of betrothing his son and heir-apparent to the young Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, through gritted teeth.   Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin, and the gods have tossed. Whilst his father might have been mad, after the Summit of Harrenhal, all agreed -- It was Rhaegar who was great, and Rhaegar who ruled while his Kingly father cowered. The display, though some who still distrusted the Targaryens would call it a ‘mummers farce’, is cited as a move that might have saved Rhaegar’s crown from further strife. It is said that directly after the summit, Aerys tried to strip his son of his office, but Rhaegar instead sent the King to Dragonstone under guard, as no men would listen to the Mad King and his ravings any longer, enchanted instead by their Prince and Hand. Barristan Selmy and Oswell Whent were sent to Dragonstone with their King, under the orders of Rhaegar to prevent His Grace from doing any harm, to himself, or otherwise.

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