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History of Westeros

War of the Usurper

282 AC 283 AC

Where Robert Baratheon raises an army to overthrow the Targaryen kings, following the abduction of his betrothed, Lyanna Stark.

  • 282 AC

    The Battle of the Trident
    Military action

    Robert Baratheon, the rebel king, clashes with the forces of Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen at the Trident in the climactic battle of the War of the Usurper.

  • 282 AC


    Peace Summit at Harrenhal
    Political event

    Rhaegar Targaryen calls for a truce between rebels and loyalists; a council at Harrenhal is organized to discuss the future of the realm, following the death of Robert the Usurper at the Battle of the Trident.

  • 283 AC

    Death of King Aerys
    Life, Death

    King Aerys Targaryen dies in exile on Dragonstone, by falling out of a window in a fit of madness. His son Rhaegar was crowned King of Westeros once news reached the capital.

  • 283 AC


    One Final Storm
    Military action

    Stannis Baratheon starves to death within Storm's End. His wife, Selyse Florent, surrenders the castle in the name of Renly Baratheon, the boy who would be Lord. Rhaegar pardons Selyse and names her regent for her goodbrother.

  • 283 AC


    The Summer Sickness
    Plague / Epidemic

    The shaking sickness strikes Westeros while the kingdom tries to recover from war. It would take many over the course of it's resurgence, including Tywin Lannister and the babe Aegon Targaryen.

The Greyjoy Rebellion

284 AC 285 AC

The Iron Islands revolt against the Iron Throne.

  • 284 AC

    King of Salt and Rock
    Military action

    The Ironborn, under Quellon Greyjoy, rise up against the greenlanders and begin to raid the North.

  • 284 AC


    Loss at Lannisport
    Military action

    The Iron Fleet, lead by 'King' Quellon and his grandson Rodrik, sail to Lannisport to raid the West. They suffer a surprising first lost and both Greyjoy are killed. Kevan Lannister assures King Rhaegar that the rebellion is over, but Quellon's son and Rodrik's father, Balon, crowns himself and vows to make the greenland red.

  • 284 AC


    Clash at the Cape of Eagles
    Military action

    Balon's forces begin to raid the North and Riverlands, claiming the Iron Price from smallfolk and highborn alike. Benjen Stark mobilizes at last, sailing from Bear Isle to meet the rebels. Mallister drives them back as well.

  • 284 AC


    Drowning the North
    Life, Death

    Benjen Stark is drowned by Balon Greyjoy after being held as a captive for two months. Various other Northern lords are drowned alongside him.

  • 285 AC


    End of the Line

    The Dragon awakens and the Iron Islands capitulate to King Rhaegar, ending their short-lived independence. He takes Theon Greyjoy, Balon Greyjoy's last-living son, to ward in King's Landing. While nominally back in the fold of the Iron Throne, the state of the Iron Islands becomes more and more questionable as time passes since the rebellion.

Winter Peace

286 AC 304 AC

A brief respite from the wars of Westeros, overseen by King Rhaegar and his Queens Lyanna and Elia. Also known as 'The time of Great Landing' due to how many minor lords are landed and how many new houses are formed through marriages.

  • 292 AC

    Marriage of Cersei Lannister and Walder Frey

    His first act of Lord of Casterly Rock at nineteen, Tyrion arranges for the marriage of his sister Cersei to the Lord Walder Frey and the two are joined in the same year that the last Lady Frey passed away in. She is the elderly lord's eighth wife.

  • 295 AC

    Marriage of Renly Baratheon and Ashara Dayne

    Ashara of House Dayne marries Lord Renly Baratheon and becomes Lady of Storm's End, bringing small joy to a despondent Queen Elia Martell.

  • 297 AC

    Flight of the Kraken
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Euron Greyjoy, brother of Lord Reaper Balon, is exiled following the assault of his brother Victarion's Salt Wife, and Euron was warned to never return. Heeding such a demand, Euron took nearly half of the Ironborn's fleet and sailed west past Lonely Light. He, and the fleet were never seen, sparking rumors of a fleet of the damned in the Sunset Sea.

  • 300 AC

    The Long Night
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    It is said the Long Night comes to Westeros, and a great hero-- Robb Stark --rises to extinguish it. The Wall vanishes overnight and the Night's Watch is disbanded.

  • 301 AC

    Marriage of Tyrion Lannister and Rhaenys Targaryen

    Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, daughter of Queen Elia, marries Lord Tyrion Lannister, and becomes the Lady of Casterly Rock.

  • 301 AC


    Foundation of House Targaryen of Summerhall

    After marrying Margaery Tyrell in secret, Prince Viserys Targaryen is granted the lands of Summerhall to build his own branch of House Targaryen.

  • 302 AC

    Founding of House Tyrell of Leafy Lake

    Garlan Tyrell and his wife Leonnette Fossoway establish a cadet branch of House Tyrell at the Leafy Lake. It is said that Garlan had been particularly disillusioned by Viserys Targaryen, and was so disgusted by Margaery marrying him that he uprooted own his wife to start his own family elsewhere.

  • 303 AC

    Death of King Rhaegar
    Life, Death

    King Rhaegar dies of a stroke in his sleep. His son and sister, Aemon and Daenerys, wed a week following his death, and are crowned together as King and Queen of Westeros. Tyrion Lannister is made Hand.

  • 304 AC


    Return of Brightroar

    Gerion Lannister returns from his far-flung adventures in the east with the ancestral sword of House Lannister, Brightroar, and treasures unforseen.

  • 304 AC


    Foundation of House Lannister of Castamere

    Gerion Lannister is landed by his grateful nephew Tyrion Lannister, and he grants his favourite uncle the seat of Castamere in exchange for the sword Brightroar. In honour of his uncle's service to his house, Tyrion bestows the title of 'The Brightroar' onto his uncle's line.

Fifth Blackfyre Rebellion

305 AC 305 AC

Aegon Blackfyre, also known as Young Griff, lands on Westeros with the Golden Company to try and claim the Iron Throne.

  • 305 AC


    Landing of the Black Dragon
    Military action

    Aegon Blackfyre lands the Golden Company in the northern Crownlands, declaring his intent to take King's Landing.

  • 305 AC


    Defiance of Driftmark
    Military action

    Driftmark is sieged by the forces of Aegon Blackfyre, and the House is promised that one of their daughters could become a Queen if they join the Blackfyre cause. The Velaryons refuse and their agents set fire to the Blackfyre's fleet, decimating it.

  • 305 AC


    The Battle of Longfield
    Military action

    The Golden Company and the Crownland forces behind King Aemon clash for the first time near Longfield; Aemon is defeated and routs to Dyre Den to recover.

  • 305 AC


    The Battle of The Needles
    Military action

    King Aemon and Aegon Blackfyre meet in battle again and once more, Aemon loses. His army takes heavy casualties and he is forced to Maidenpool, where he calls on the Riverlands for aide.

  • 305 AC


    Skirmish at the Antlers
    Military action

    A smaller force of Blackfyres and Targaryens battle at the Antlers and Aegon loses his elephants.

  • 305 AC

    305 AC


    The Cold War
    Military action

    Aegon Blackfyre is overwhelmingly defeated at Brindlewood between the forces of Aemon Targaryen and Hoster Tully, though the Lord of Riverrun dies of his injuries. Aegon survives the defeat, and the men still loyal to the Black Dragon go into hiding with him in the Crownlands. A two month manhunt for the pretender begins.

  • 305 AC


    Honour, Nobility, Death
    Military action

    Aegon Blackfyre is finally defeated by Aemon Targaryen at the Battle of Sow's Horn. He is burned, to honour his Targaryen lineage.

  • 305 AC


    Deaths of the Queen Mothers
    Life, Death

    The Queen Mothers, Lyanna and Elia, pass within weeks of each other. Lyanna was taken by fever, and Elia by her infamous frailty.

  • 305 AC


    The Blackfyre Hunt

    King Aemon declares that the line of Blackfyre is illegitimate. His Master of Whispers places a hefty bounty on the heads of the living Blackfyres who produced Aegon, and the once-dead house is now properly hunted into nonexistence -- Even the female line.

Lover's Rule

306 AC 342 AC

The rule of King Aemon Targaryen and his Queen Daenerys, said to be more prosperous and happy than that of Jaehaerys and his Alysanne.

  • 306 AC

    Rise of the Littlefinger
    Life, Relationship change

    Petyr Baelish, who had been disgraced some years ago after failing to win the hand of Catelyn Tully, makes a name for himself in King's Landing. He catches the attention of the Hand, Tyrion, and he is eventually granted a seat on the Small Council for his talents with coin, though he is distrusted by King Aemon.

  • 307 AC

    Foundation of House Baelish of Oldstones

    Petyr Baelish, Master of Coin, marries Lysa Tully after lengthy negotiations, the sister of the very woman he had fought to win. Lord Hoster is reluctant to give his only untethered daughter away, but is eventually swayed by the gold and promises of Littlefinger. He and his trout bride then pay a costly sum to Lord Mallister to settle the ruin of Oldstones.

  • 307 AC


    Prophecy at Riverrun
    Life, Supernatural

    While on royal progress through Westeros, King Aemon and Queen Daenerys are met by a Priestess of R'hllor who claims that dragons will be reborn from their bloodline.

  • 310 AC

    316 AC

    Royal Births
    Life, Birth

    Aelyx (307), Helaena (310), Rhaelys (313), Vhaegar (314), Aerea & Rhaelle (315) and Lyanna (316) are born to King Aemon and Queen Daenerys.

  • 325 AC

    Marriage of Prince Aelyx to Jaelle Velaryon

    Aelyx Targaryen takes Jaelle Velaryon to wife, making her the future Queen of Westeros.

  • 325 AC

    338 AC

    Royal Births
    Life, Birth

    Baelor (325), Daenys (327), Laenor (328), Jahaelys (330), Aemond (333), Ayrra (335) and Helaenora (338) are born to King Aelyx and Queen Jaelle Velaryon. They are hailed as the 'Seven Hatchlings' by the smallfolk.

  • 342 AC

    Death of King Aemon
    Life, Death

    King Aemon Targaryen passes away. His eldest son, Aelyx, is named king, and Aelyx raises his brother Vhaegar to the position of Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and his other brother Rhaelys to Hand.

Three Brothers

343 AC 368 AC

The rule of King Aelyx Targaryen with his brothers Vhaegar and Rhaelys.

  • 343 AC

    350 AC

    Restoration of the Dragonpit
    Construction beginning/end

    The great Dragonpit of King's Landing is ordered to be restored by King Aelyx, intent on fulfilling the prophecy of his line.

  • 356 AC

    Dragon's Ruins

    Prince Baelor is made the Prince of Dragonstone and Harrenhal, granted an additional seat by his doting father King Aelyx with the intent of Baelor's future children to also claim Harrenhal as a seat; the foundation of a third branch of Targaryen. It is seem as a strengthening of House Targaryen. Baelor's long-awaited betrothal to his sister Daenys is also announced at this time, and their marriage is to happen at his new seat.

  • 357 AC

    Hell at Harrenhal
    Life, Death

    A fire in the Great Hall of Harrenhal during a feast celebrating the wedding of Baelor and Daenys Targaryen claims the lives of many Targaryens. This includes Queen Mother Daenerys Targaryen, Queen Jaelle Velaryon, Crown Prince Baelor, his new wife Daenys, and their siblings Laenor, Aemond and Ayrra. Only Helaenora, the youngest of the Hatchlings, survived, and King Aelyx condemns the castle and doesn't grant it to another for the rest of his reign.

  • 357 AC


    The Wedding of Ashes

    King Aelyx finally remarries following the fire at Harrenhal -- To his own daughter, Helaenora, the last of the Seven Hatchlings. The High Septon refuses to officiate such a perverse pairing and declares that the Doctrine of Exceptionalism has expired, as the Targaryens no longer possess dragons nor their mythic blood, so they are married in the style of Valyria by Aelyx's brother Vhaegar. Riots begin to consume King's Landing.

  • 357 AC


    Queen for a (Fort)night
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Queen Helaenora rules for fourteen days as her father's Queen, as the Faith demands their divorce while turning King's Landing into a battleground. Rhaelys, the Hand of the King, finally urges his brother to forget this folly to save their crown. Helaenora is sent to the Starry Sept as recompense, to become a septa, their marriage struck down by the High Septon.

  • 357 AC


    Exceptional No Longer
    Religious event

    The Doctrine of Exceptionalism is officially withdrawn to placate the Faith, meaning that Targaryen incest is now officially barred. In additional recompense, the High Septon is permitted to choose the new Queen, from a host of highly devout ladies. This serves to placate the Faith following the folly with Helaenora.

  • 358 AC

    Marriage of Aelyx Targaryen and Alayne Arryn

    Lady Alayne Arryn is chosen by the High Septon to become the new Queen of Westeros and she is betrothed to an aging King Aelyx. She is beloved by the smallfolk and serves as a balm to soothe the rage of the last year, though she despises her future husband for his perceived degeneracy.

  • 358 AC


    Royal Births
    Life, Birth

    Crown Prince (King) Targaryen is born to King Aelyx and Queen Alayne Arryn.

  • 363 AC

    Exile of the Vale Clans

    In a religious frenzy from the devout Queen Alayne Arryn, chosen of the High Septon and hailed as the Mother Reborn, the Lords of the Vale drive the Mountain Clans from their ancestral homes. The clans are forced North, landing on Skagos in exile.

  • 366 AC

    Subjugation of Skagos
    Military action

    Lord Manderly, having grown disturbed by reports of the inhabitants of Skagos growing more and more wild with the integration of wilding and Vale mountain clans, convinces Lord Stark that the Skagosi need to be brought firmly under their control, and not just formally considered vassals of the Wolf. What follows is a bloody week of inter-regional conflict, ending with a religiously repressed North.

Sixth Blackfyre Rebellion

369 AC 369 AC

More commonly called the 'Rebellion of Lies' for the Blackfyre, Rhaegar, was a false one, and merely a Lyseni pirate who possessed the stolen eggs of Queen Daenerys.

  • 369 AC


    Dragons At Sea
    Life, Publicity

    King Aelyx is made aware of a pirate lord claiming to be a Blackfyre in the Stepstones, who is said to have three dragon eggs and is plotting to take Westeros.

  • 369 AC


    The Navy Sails
    Military action

    King Aelyx, sixty-and-two, personally leads the Royal Navy to defeat the Blackfyre pretender. His brother Vhaegar and his son, 11-year-old Crown Prince (King) Targaryen accompany him, alongside the lords Baratheon and Velaryon predominantly.

  • 369 AC


    The Kingkiller
    Life, Death

    The men of Rhaegar Blackfyre, the Cloth Dragon, kill King Aelyx and his brother Vhaegar. King Targaryen is crowned at sea by Lord Baratheon, who is made Lord Protector of the Realm and Regent until King Targaryen comes of age.

  • 369 AC


    Pyrrhic Victory
    Military action

    The Royal Fleet is relieved by the arrival of the Iron Fleet, led by Prince Targaryen of Summerhall and Lord Greyjoy. The four are victorious and slay the false Blackfyre who reveals himself to only be a masquerading Lyseni pirate, but none of the dragon eggs are recovered.

Song of Dragons

370 AC 399 AC

Under the shadow of failed prophecy & bitter tragedy, House Targaryen continues to amass power and influence amidst a chaotic world.

  • 370 AC

    Bloody Way of the River

    The Orphans of the Greenblood, alongside a secessionist scion of House Martell, Nymor, lead an expedition to the Stepstones to expand Dornish territory. They lay claim to Bloodstone and begin building a settlement.

  • 372 AC

    Foundation of House Nymeros of Bloodstone

    Following internal conflict between the Prince of Dorne and his brother, House Martell of Dorne splits in two; the Spear of Dorne remaining as House Martell, and the Sun of Dorne becoming House Nymeros of Bloodstone, a naval-centric house that seeks restoration of the Rhoynish way of life. They are considered a vassal of Dorne only in name, similar to Skagos prior to the Subjugation. They also lay claim to Grey Gallows, naming themselves wardens of the desolate island.

  • 376 AC

    Official Coronation of King Targaryen
    Gathering / Conference

    King Targaryen is officially crowned at the age of ten-and-eight, claiming his father's throne. He takes the hand of Lord Baratheon's daughter in marriage, ending the years-long persistence of the Stag's claim to the Iron Throne.

  • 385 AC

    The Lost of Lonely Light
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Lonely Light falls to some unknown foe, the entire population of the island vanishing, bloodlessly, Nobody seems to be able to adequately explain what happened, though rumors of old Euron Crowseye and his damned fleet in the Sunset Sea re-surge following the incident, leaving the Ironborn faced with an inexplicable new foe.

  • 385 AC

    393 AC

    Winter's Welcome
    Geological / environmental event

    A two-year-long autumn heralds a gruesome winter. The winter lasts eight years, from 385 AC to 393 AC.

  • 394 AC

    397 AC

    Time of False Spring
    Geological / environmental event

    From 394 to 397 AC is the ‘Time of False Spring’, for Spring comes to Westeros but the Maesters do not declare Winter’s end. The Citadel was correct, and Winter returns the next year.

  • 399 AC


    Essosi Resettlement
    Diplomatic action

    Following unrest in Essos, many Essosi families migrate or flee to Westeros, proceeding to buy up land and settle -- Some even being granted noble titles under Westerosi law.

  • 399 AC


    Cataclysm at the Citadel
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    In Oldtown, a magical experiment rumored to involve Septa Helaenora-- A Targaryen once --at the Citadel goes terribly wrong and leads to the Hightower's flame turning green, whilst also killing many Archmaesters allegedly involved. The Faith is rocked by this, seeing it as a sign of disgrace, but the presence of followers of the Red God swells in the time following.

Iteration Start

400 AC and beyond

The height of Targaryen power with the turn of the century, amidst a 15-year-long winter that shows no sign of ending soon.

  • 400 AC


    Celebration of Rule
    Political event

    King Targaryen celebrates the anniversary of his rule on the throne and the dawning of a new era & century.

  • 400 AC

    1 /1

    The Tourney for Harrenhal
    Sporting Event / Competition

    King Targaryen, as a part of his jubilee, announces that the ownership of Harrenhal, having been abandoned for decades and the newest site of Targaryen tragedy, will be determined in a gauntlet-style competition, just as spring seems close to revealing itself at long last.