Osiris Belmont

King Osiris Belmont

The rightful king of Crestala.   Though loved by many and with few enemies, Osiris remains devoted to the welfare of Crestala and its people above all else, a testament to his noble character and unwavering sense of duty.   However, with the current state of decay across the land it has sent him into a state of desperation. There are whispers of treason within his ranks. Rockfur Boldhide, one of The King's Hand, has speculated that Osiris intends to use the god's artifacts to force the other countries into submission.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

King Osiris Belmont is a formidable figure, embodying the regal and powerful aura of his lineage. He is a Half-elf with a commanding presence. His tan skin is contrasted by his silvered black hair, which is slicked back, with a few rebellious strands falling over his left eye, adding to his mysterious allure. His clean-shaven face is framed by a prominent jaw, giving him a look of determination and strength. His pointed ears, subtle yet unmistakable, hint at his elven heritage, while his piercing green eyes seem to see through any deception, reflecting both wisdom and the sharpness of a leader who has seen much in his reign.   Osiris wears a gold crown, each point adorned with a sapphire gem, symbolizing his sovereignty over Crestala. His attire is a blend of elegance and practicality, befitting a warrior king. He wears a black vest trimmed with silver, paired with black pants and shin-high black boots. His right arm is bare, showcasing his muscular physique, while his left arm is encased in a scaled metallic sleeve resembling a dragon's arm, a symbol of his draconic heritage and a reminder of the power he wields.   At his hip rests a sword with a golden hilt, around which a red dragon is intricately wrapped, a weapon as majestic and deadly as its owner. The most striking feature, however, is the red dragon scales creeping up the left side of his neck. These scales are a visible mark of the red dragon's blood flowing through his veins, a legacy of his ancestor Ossian Belmont, who merged his blood with that of the ancient red dragon, Sirven.   This draconic blood grants Osiris powerful sorcery abilities, particularly in fire magic, which he has mastered alongside his formidable combat skills.


As the king of Crestala, ruling from his royal palace in the capital city of Elyse, Osiris is a leader who commands both fear and respect. He is known to be a just ruler, always placing the prosperity of Crestala above all else. His determination to ensure the kingdom thrives is unwavering, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his people. In the eyes of Crestala's citizens, King Osiris Belmont is both a guardian and a warrior, a king whose name is spoken with admiration and reverence throughout the continent.


Current Location
Current Residence
Osiris's Palace
Piercing green
Silvered black, slicked back, medium
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, red scales
180 lbs
Ruled Locations


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