The Royal Palace

The Royal Palace of Elyse is the grand residence of King Osiris Belmont and the heart of political power in Crestala. A symbol of authority, wealth, and history, the palace is an architectural masterpiece that reflects the kingdom's grandeur and the legacy of the Belmont dynasty. Built from gleaming white stone with intricate gold accents, the palace stands as a testament to Crestala’s enduring strength and the vision of its rulers.


The palace’s design blends human and elven influences, creating an elegant structure that captures the best of both worlds. Tall spires and majestic towers rise high above the city, visible from nearly every corner of Elyse. The exterior walls are adorned with intricate carvings depicting historical battles, legendary figures, and scenes of the gods blessing the land, reflecting the rich tapestry of Crestalan history.   Large arched windows and balconies overlook the city and the river, offering stunning views and allowing natural light to flood the grand halls. The palace’s main entrance features a massive gate flanked by imposing statues of Ossian Belmont, the first king, and a silver dragon symbolizing the family’s draconic heritage.   The Throne Room: A magnificent chamber located at the heart of the palace, the throne room is where King Osiris makes key decisions and meets with foreign dignitaries. The throne itself is crafted from silver and gold, intricately detailed with dragon motifs, sapphires, and rubies that catch the light. The room is lined with tall columns and guarded by the elite members of the King’s Guard.   The Royal Vault: This vault is one of the most secure and secretive locations in the kingdom, a place where the kingdom’s most valuable treasures, magical artifacts, and confidential documents are stored. This separate building, set discreetly within the palace gardens, is a blend of beautiful architecture and impenetrable security, reflecting its dual purpose as a treasure house and a fortress. King Osiris Belmont kept Rillifane Rallathil's artifacts in this vault before The Truman Group broke in and stole them.


The Royal Palace is one of the most secure locations in Crestala. Magical wards and barriers protect the palace from magical intrusions, and the King’s Guard, known for their loyalty and combat prowess, patrol the grounds day and night. Strategic watchtowers, reinforced gates, and secret escape routes ensure that the palace can withstand any attack.
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