Rockfur Boldhide

Rockfur is the left hand and "Hammer" of King Osiris Belmont. He assisted The Truman Group in their attempt to steal the artifacts of Rillifane Rallathil when they broke into the Royal Vault.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Rockfur Boldhide is a towering and imposing figure, standing just over 8 feet tall with a build that exudes raw strength and power. His fur and skin are a dark, rich brown, giving him a rugged and formidable appearance that sends fear in those close to him. His massive size is accentuated by his broad shoulders and muscular physique, making him a formidable presence on the battlefield.   Rockfur’s face is marked by a wide snout and a small, neatly trimmed black goatee that adds a touch of sharpness to his otherwise rough demeanor. His eyes, with light orange irises, are piercing and intense, reflecting the calculated mind of a seasoned commander. Two thick, stone-gray horns curve outward and then forward into sharp points, giving him a menacing and almost statue-like quality that enhances his intimidating appearance.   Rockfur’s armor is both practical and symbolic, designed to protect him in combat while showcasing his high rank within the King’s Guard. He wears a single, heavy pauldron over his left shoulder, crafted from reinforced steel with subtle engravings that denote his military status. Draped over this pauldron is a bold red cloth that hangs down his back like a cape, creating a striking contrast against his dark fur.   Emblazoned on the cloth is an emblem of a shield with a closed left fist in the center, topped by the king’s crown—a symbol of his unwavering loyalty to King Osiris Belmont and his role as a key figure in the kingdom’s defense. His armor covers his abdomen with intricately crafted plates that protect his vital areas, while leaving most of his chest bare, highlighting his battle scars and muscular frame.

Special abilities

As a combatant, Rockfur is a relentless force. He specializes in close-quarters combat, using his immense strength and his horns to charge into enemies, breaking their lines with brute force. His preferred weapon is a massive battle axe, but he is also skilled with a variety of weapons, adapting his fighting style as the situation demands.   His armor is designed to protect without hindering his movement, allowing him to maintain agility despite his size. Rockfur’s fighting style is aggressive and unyielding, using his size and power to overwhelm opponents while his tactical awareness ensures he remains a step ahead in battle.



Rockfur is a man of few words, preferring action over conversation. His silence is not born of shyness but of careful consideration; he speaks only when necessary and values directness and efficiency. As a military commander, he is strategic, decisive, and unflinching in his duties, commanding his troops with a presence that inspires both fear and respect.


Light orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark, rich brown
326 lbs.


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