
Isaiah Ioannis

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Reclamation generally appears to be a large humanoid clad in full plate armor. His head is obscured by a cloth bearing the sigil of Ionar on it. Behind the cloth many can make out two glowing orbs which appear to be his eyes.

Physical quirks

Reclamation's visage under his robes and Armor is heavily scared. Constantly going though the punishments of the Martyrs before him, he never truly gets a chance to heal. The pain helps keep his focus on following Ionar's will.   He also will ocassionally suffer from stigmata, his head bleeding as well the palms of his hands.

Special abilities

Divine Retribution: Reclamation is a conduit for the power of Ionar. They can call upon this divine energy to punish those who commit heinous acts and are deemed unredeemable. This power can manifest in various forms, from smiting foes with holy bolts of energy to delivering divine judgments that incapacitate or immobilize wrongdoers.   Empathy with Martyrs: Reclamation can communicate with the souls of martyrs, drawing strength and guidance from their experiences. This communion allows Reclimation to understand the suffering of the oppressed and to empathize deeply with those who have been wronged.   Aura of Authority: In the presence of Reclamation, individuals often feel an overwhelming sense of guilt or shame if they have committed grave offenses. This aura can be an effective deterrent against potential wrongdoers, as it compels them to reevaluate their actions.   Shared Pain: Reclamation can suffer and share the suffering of his past martyr's, this ability causes individuals to be inflicted with injuries and punishements of several saints of the Church of Ionar and beyond.

Apparel & Accessories

The Armor of Io - The Armor of Io is a legendary suit of holy armor with a rich history in the Church of Ionar. It is said to have belonged to the first saint of Ionar, Alistair Stavros, and is considered one of the most revered relics in the church's possession. The Armor of Io is a magnificent set of plate armor forged with celestial materials and intricately designed to reflect the divine nature of Ionar.

Specialized Equipment

The Martyr's Blade - an awe-inspiring work of artistry and divine craftsmanship. It is a massive two-handed greatsword, its blade measuring nearly six feet in length. The blade itself possesses a pristine, silvery hue that shimmers with an otherworldly radiance, reflecting the divine nature of Ionar. The crossguard of the sword is adorned with intricate, angelic motifs and inscriptions in celestial script, symbolizing the connection between the Church of Ionar and the divine realm. The pommel is capped with a luminous gemstone that seems to hold a piece of the astral heavens within its depths.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Reclamation is not a single individual but rather a sacred role within the Church of Ionar, dedicated to carrying out divine justice and serving as the embodiment of all the martyred souls of the world. This role is passed down from one member of the church to another as needed, and the current Reclamation is the most recent chosen vessel for this sacred duty.   Bearing the name Isaiah Ioannis, He born into a humble family in the heart of Ammath . From a young age, he exhibited a deep sense of empathy and a strong moral compass. His parents, devout followers of Ionar, had a small shrine to the god of light in the outskirts of the city of clouds.. As Eisias grew older, his faith in Ionar deepened, even though the hardships around him only grew in intensity. At the age of sixteen, Isaiah joined The Church Of Ionar as an acolyte. His dedication and unwavering commitment to the tenets of Ionar quickly caught the attention of the clergy. Under the tutelage of senior priests and clerics, he studied the scriptures, honed his abilities, and developed a profound connection to the divine.   When Isaiah turned twenty-five, a divine revelation occurred during one of the church's most sacred ceremonies. As he knelt before the altar of Ionar, a radiant presence enveloped him, and he heard a celestial voice calling him to a higher purpose. It was then that he received the mantle of Reclamation—the vessel for the martyred souls. The transition was both awe-inspiring and overwhelming. Isaiah could feel the collective weight of countless martyrs' suffering and sacrifices. Their memories, their pain, and their longing for justice now flowed through him.

Mental Trauma

One of the main challenges Reclamation faces is the burden of carrying the collective suffering and pain of countless martyrs. This emotional weight can be overwhelming and may sometimes lead to inner turmoil. Additionally, the line between righteous justice and vengeance can blur, and Reclamation must constantly strive to ensure their actions are in line with the divine will of Ionar.

Intellectual Characteristics

Reclamation is typically stoic and unwavering in their dedication to justice. They carry the weight of the martyred souls with solemnity and understand the gravity of their role. While they may appear stern, Reclamation also possesses a deep well of compassion for the victims of injustice and a burning desire to see the guilty held accountable for their actions.

Personality Characteristics


Punishing the Unredeemable: Reclamation's primary mission is to seek out and confront individuals who have committed unspeakable acts and are beyond the reach of conventional justice. When all avenues of rehabilitation and redemption have been exhausted, Reclamation steps in to deliver the divine judgment of Ionar.   Guardian of Justice: Beyond retribution, Reclamation serves as a guardian of justice, ensuring that the laws of the land are upheld and that the innocent are protected. They may be called upon to investigate corruption, root out criminal organizations, or champion the cause of the oppressed.   Guiding the Faithful: Reclamation also plays a role in guiding the members of the Church of Ionar and inspiring them to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and compassion. They serve as a symbol of hope and a reminder that some deeds are beyond redemption.   Return Ionar's Eye to the church: A relic of the God of redemtion has found itself on Maeon. It's sheer light is dangerous to be left on the mortal planes, so it is Reclamation's goal to return the eye to it's god.


Contacts & Relations

Reclamation often works closely with other members of The Church Of Ionar or Temple Of Bahamut, particularly clerics, paladins, and champions dedicated to the cause of justice. They may also have allies among local law enforcement and government officials who share their commitment to maintaining order and fairness in society.

Wealth & Financial state

Reclamation has no mateiral weatlh. The church of Ionar Provides for most of his needs.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Current Status
Collecting Relics connected to Ionar
Current Location
Year of Birth
1200 IE 100 Years old
Current Residence
The Temple of Ionar in Ammath.
Completly white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
345 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am the voice of the martyrs, the blade of divine justice. I stand as a beacon of hope for the oppressed and a harbinger of reckoning for the wicked. In the name of Ionar, I shall bring forth justice to the world."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
As a direct conduit of Ionar's will, "Reclamation" can speak all languages though Ionar's blessings.