
Moradin known as the Soul Forger or Dwarf father is the patron god of all dwarven kind. He also is the god of the Forge, Invention, and mountains. Mostly worshiped in the kingdom of Brass Moradins dealings with the mortal world all focus on the Dwarves themselves, Being the god who was responsible for the elder race's creation. It was said he forged the first dwarves from metals and gems and breathed souls into them when he blew on his creations to cool them. His most recent dealings have been with the Axen't royal family. The current queen of the Kingdom of Brass Allenna Axen't is said to hold a artifact crafted by Moradin himself.

Divine Domains

Dwarven Kind, The Forge, Invention, and mountains


Moradin's Choir: Twin weapons crafted by the dwarven god Moradin, It was given as a gift to Allena Axen't to defeat The Empire of The Black Sun    The Great Gatling Cannon - Held By Axel Axen't

Holy Books & Codes

The Great

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

Edicts: Be honorable and forthright, keep your word, respect the forge, serve your people   Anathema: Tell lies or cheat someone, intentionally create inferior works, show mercy to the enemies of your people

Divine Goals & Aspirations


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Moradin appears as a 20 feet (6.1 meters) tall dwarf with a powerful build, particularly in the upper body. He was a stern-faced figure with flowing hair, his mane and beard both reaching his knees (and alternatively described as black or white). He dressed plainly, wearing a smith's leather leggings and aprons in adition to furs and bracers of pure gold on his forearms, his garments transforming into dwarven plate mail and a large shield when needed. Moradin also exuded a faintly visible white radiance, an aura of power he could cloak as he wished.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good