
Shogun is the title giving to the patriach of the current royal family of Mirai. Royal families often shift due to opinion of the council of local lords or through a duel. This duel often ends in the death of the previous family. It hadn't always been like this as previous shoguns were once chosen through prophecy by the god Ionar. Shoguns are the de facto rulers of the island of Mirai although history has shown that some shoguns have only acted as figure heads. Traditionally the shogun has been a Aasamir, although after the ruling of Shogun Sakimodo several of the other local races have gotten a chance to control Mirai. The citizens of mirai are lead to believe that Ionar still has say in the choice of shogun, but that cannot be further from the truth. The position has become much more corrupt and politized over the years.
Nobility, Military
Form of Address
Mighty One
Alternative Naming
Source of Authority
The council of nobles
Length of Term
Until the Shogun Dies or is Out voted by the council.
Current Holders
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