Sorrow Spawn

Basic Information


The creature appears to look like an arachnid or Insect. Having a similar appearance to ticks and spiders, although the Sorrow Spawn is much more insidious. The Sorrow Spawn begins it life span small, about the size of a chicken’s egg, but grows over time. Eventually it's appendges getting long enough to fully enter and control it's victims bodies.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sorrow Spawn can reproduce by implanting eggs inside a victim. They do this by prying open the victim’s mouth and forcing a new egg down their throat. Once in the poor souls belly, the egg is hatched by exposure to stomach acids. Soon after, the chitinous thing starts to grow. The new creature is an exact duplicate of its parent, including its knowledge to the time of reproduction. Thus, it is possible for an infant sorrow spawn to know many lives’ worth of knowledge and behavior. However, the implantation process often turns violent, and the spawn sometimes has to kill the intended host before the egg is implanted.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sorrow Spawn derive nurishment from their hosts bodies, usually puppeting the host to eat it's normal meals. Although some scholars belive theat they derive a more esoteric form of food from their hosts. Surviving off of the pain and sadness of thier victims.


Sorrow spawn not already in a host find one very carefully. They prefer singular humanoid targets, avoiding large groups and cities as the parasite would be easily found out and killed. Shockingly enough, these creatures will stalk their potential victims. Watching behaviors that their targets due to their day to day lives, usually they target those removed from society, or unfortunate souls who are lone wanderers. Sorrow Spawn have also been noted to target the insane and demented as well.  Once a optimal host is found, the Sorrow Spawn will invade the hosts body and begin it's infection.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Many belive Sorrow Spawn to be highely intellegent beings. Although this could not be further from the truth, as the parasite is adept at mimicking behavior. It takes years for a Sorrow Spawn to take complete control of its host, and by this time it can do a passable impression of that person. Still, it is but an impression, and the creature is nothing more than a sophisticated parrot. It cannot learn anything new and does not respond well to new situations.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

After the Sorrow Spawn has lived in its host for about a month, it begins consuming the internal organs while taking over their function, extruding weird appendages wherever it needs to reach. After about six months, it even reaches its feeding tube up into the victim’s head to consume the eyes, which it then replaces with its own, on long, jointed eyestalks. The Sorrow Spawn eventually achieves complete control over the host’s body, at which time it starves the victim’s brain until it loses all higher function, leaving just enough of the host’s original mind to know the horror it suffers. The body is just a shell controlled by the sorrow spawn. After this, it can no longer safely leave the host body completely. When it exits to implant an egg in another host, it leaves various limbs and tubes extending down its host’s throat
Scientific Name
Tristitia Aranea
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by