

Created by the giants Finn Chull and Halvdan The Black , Saleth is a colossal supercontinent that endured ages of isolation from the other lands of Maeon. The peoples of Saleth developed independently from those of Aelotas , a divergence initiated by the god Jotnar Asterus, who separated the two continents by conjuring the grand tempest between them. Despite this separation from the larger continent of Maeon, Saleth faced its own unique trials and tribulations. Over the millennia, the nations of Saleth weathered demonic incursions, waged wars, and confronted devastating natural disasters. The isolation forged resilient and resourceful societies, each with its own distinct cultures and traditions. As the centuries passed, a longing for reconnection with the lands beyond the tempest grew among the people of Saleth. They harbored an innate curiosity about the world outside their continent's boundaries, and tales of distant lands reached their ears through the Mayday family and The Silver Fox Traders Guild, who acted as intermediaries between Saleth and the rest of Maeon.   Recent advancements have made it possible for Saleth and Aelotas to reestablish contact, primarily through trade and diplomatic channels. The Mages College of Aelotas achieved a groundbreaking feat by developing a means to navigate the eternal storm that envelops the Sea of Mirrors, the watery expanse separating the two continents. This newfound ability allowed diplomats, adventurers, and nobles from each continent to traverse the storm and engage in meaningful exchanges.   Now, as the barriers between Saleth and Aelotas begin to crumble, the peoples of both continents eagerly anticipate the wealth of knowledge, culture, and opportunities that come with reconnection. This momentous development promises to reshape the destiny of Saleth and its relationship with the wider world of Maeon.


  • Saleth