The Apeiros Diamond


One day, the goddess Thaella  received a vision of a great disaster that would befall the mortal realm. She saw a time of darkness and destruction, where all that was beautiful and precious would be lost forever. This disaster would be brought to Maeon by the ancient primordial of Madness, Makuda. She knew that she had to act quickly to prevent this disaster from happening and with her foresight and her wisdom, Thaella devised a plan to create a magical gemstone, infused with the power of all the elements of the world. She gathered together the finest craftsmen and artisans, and together they worked tirelessly to create this gemstone, pouring all of their skill and knowledge into its creation. It would be given the name of The Apeiros Diamond.   When the The Apeiros Diamond was complete, Thaella  imbued it with a powerful spell, capable of warding off any disaster or danger that might come its way. As well as absorbing any negative energy surrounding it. She entrusted the gemstone to her most trusted followers, the keepers of culture and innovation, and charged them with keeping it safe and hidden from the world until the time was right.   Years passed, and Thaella's  vision seemed to fade into memory. But then, one day, disaster struck the mortal realm, just as Thaella  had foreseen. A great cataclysm shook the land, and darkness threatened to consume everything. But the keepers of the gemstone had not forgotten their charge. They retrieved the gemstone from its hiding place and activated its magic, warding off the disaster and saving countless lives. Part of the essence of Makuda would be ripped away and trapped within the gemstone.    It is unkown where the Gem is at the moment. Some say the goddess wears it as a ring, others claim it was destroyed. While a select few belive to have heard whispers of the item in the relam of Saleth.


It prevented the Primordial of Darkness from covering Maeon in his influence.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
There was only one ever created.