The Circle of The Old Oak


Within the Circle are several sub branches. While the main circle consists of clerics and champions, these sub groups give deeper roles to certain members.   The Way of Force - The way of force concentrates on improving the combat prowess of a member of the circle. Through rigourous physical training and sparring, those who walk the Way of Force remind all those who encounter them that even the mightiest trees can bend, but never break.   The Way of Silence - The way of silence concentrates on the art of silent movement and covert operations. Teaching those who walk the path how to blend in with the natural world, and collect vital peices of information. Members of the Way of Silence are key players of the circle, as they collect the information that the group acts on.   The Way of Faith - The way of faith focuses on the religous aspect of the circle. Deepening the connection between worshipper and god, those of the way of faith follow the edicts and tenets of Darak òrdail much more closely then members of the other ways or even other circle members. Empowered by divine might, The Way of Faith act as healers and Mediators. Although they are still mighty warriors, ready to defend nature with their lives.

Public Agenda

Preserve the balance between nature and civilization.


The Circle tends to grow their own supplies. They don't tend to use metallic tools as the thought of an unatural weapon being held by one of their kind is sickining. Instead they rely on the trees, stone, and vines to create their homes and arms.


Darak òrdail , the revered Lord of Nature, found himself disheartened by the actions of the elven people in Maeon. Many among them had forsaken the sanctity of the forests, seeking the allure of grand cities and building vast empires. While this transition was not inherently damning, the wars that accompanied their expansion brought forth anguish that caused the Old Oak to shed tears of sorrow. Fires raged, and destruction marred the once-pristine woodlands and lush jungles of the world.   Yearning for steadfast protectors to ensure the perpetual well-being of Maeon's wilds, Darak set his divine craftsmanship in motion. He forged the Ghoran, Plant folk rooted in ancient wisdom, the Leshy, embodiments of nature's diverse vitality, and the Dryads, ethereal guardians of the sacred groves, and Treant's towering figures who embody natures might. These sentient beings, resembling plants in their nature, sprouted in untamed corners of the world. Among them, a chosen few received the Old Oak's divine blessings and imbued powers. United as The Circle, these revered guardians remained steadfast in their woodland abodes, extending a welcoming embrace to those who approached with reverence and prepared to unleash their might against any who dared disturb the delicate balance of nature.   However, as the elder members of The Circle deliberated upon their role, a realization began to take hold. While their presence safeguarded the immediate domains of the wild, they understood that they could only do so much from within the confines of their protected forests. With great deliberation, they dispatched select groups of "Champions" into the so-called "civilized" realms of Maeon. These champions, bestowed with the Old Oak's divine authority, bore the hope that their presence would ignite an appreciation for nature akin to their own.   As these mighty divine warriors ventured beyond the wilds, they carried with them the essence of the forests they represented. They sought to kindle an understanding and reverence for the intricate tapestry of life, urging the world to embrace the beauty and harmony that the wilds had to offer. Through their acts of courage, wisdom, and compassion, the Champions aimed to awaken dormant hearts and guide the mortal realms toward a newfound appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things.   The path ahead was uncertain, and the challenges formidable, but The Circle remained resolute in their mission. They entrusted their champions with the task of illuminating the truth that in nurturing and preserving nature, Maeon's inhabitants would discover a source of profound wisdom, tranquility, and boundless inspiration. And so, these emissaries of nature ventured forth, their steps guided by the silent whispers of the Old Oak, carrying the hope of a world where the harmony between civilization and the wild could flourish once more.

May Nature be Preserved

Founding Date
450 IE
Religious, Druidic Circle
Leader Title
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Controlled Territories
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