The Tenebrosi


In the shadowed realm of clandestine operations and hidden agendas, there exists a guild of jesters who wield the deadly arts of assassination. They are known as the Tenebrosi, a secretive order of jester assassins who bring chaos and death with a twisted sense of humor.   The Tenebrosi walk the fine line between mirth and malevolence, blending seamlessly into the colorful tapestry of courtly life and extravagant festivities. Dressed in flamboyant and eccentric attire, they don the guise of entertainers, jesters, and jestresses, their identities hidden beneath masks and layers of vibrant costumes. They captivate their audiences with their jests, tricks, and acrobatic performances, using laughter as both a weapon and a shield.   Beneath their playful facade lies a dark and lethal nature. The Tenebrosi are highly skilled assassins, masters of disguise, infiltration, and the art of the silent kill. They have honed their craft through rigorous training, mastering various weapons, poisons, and deadly techniques that allow them to dispatch their targets with ruthless efficiency. Their performances become deadly spectacles, using misdirection, sleight of hand, and theatrical tricks to create opportunities for assassination.   The origins of the Tenebrosi are shrouded in mystery, their beginnings lost in the annals of time. Some say they were born from the twisted minds of jesters who grew tired of their role as mere entertainers and sought to wield their talents in a more sinister manner. Others believe that they were a group of disillusioned assassins who found solace and inspiration in the absurdity and chaos of the jester's world.   The guild operates in the shadows, with a web of informants, spies, and contacts spread throughout the realms. They take on contracts from various patrons, including nobles, crime lords, and those with political agendas, using their unique skills to eliminate targets who would otherwise be untouchable. Their reputation as unpredictable and skilled killers strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies, as they strike with deadly precision, leaving behind a trail of laughter and tragedy.   Within the ranks of the Tenebrosi, hierarchy is maintained through a delicate balance of talent, wit, and ruthlessness. The guild is led by a council of experienced jesters known as the Fools' Court, who oversee the operations and maintain the secrets of the order. Initiates must undergo grueling trials, proving their worth through tests of agility, cunning, and their ability to blend seamlessly into any social setting. Once accepted into the guild, they are bound by a code of loyalty, secrecy, and devotion to their craft.   While the Tenebrosi thrive in the darkness, they also have a code of twisted honor. They hold a deep reverence for the art of comedy and theatricality, and their assassinations are often accompanied by a macabre display of dark humor. They leave behind their calling card, a jester's mask or a cryptic riddle, as a chilling reminder of their presence and their deadly talents.   The Tenebrosi are a force to be reckoned with, their reputation echoing through the underworld and striking fear into the hearts of their enemies. With their deadly skills, cunning minds, and dark humor, they bring chaos and death to those who dare to cross their path. The jesters of the Tenebrosi dance upon the stage of shadows, leaving laughter and tragedy in their wake, forever enigmatic and forever deadly.

We always laugh last

Guild, Assassins
Parent Organization
Notable Members