
(a.k.a. The Many Faced Devil, Jester Prince of the inferno)

Divine Domains

Deception, Madness,Royalty, Evil, Law, Trickery

Mental characteristics

Personal history

This malevolent deity is known as the sinister patron of a notorious group of assassins known as the Tenebrosi. These assassins, shrouded in the guise of jesters, have weaved their treacherous plots into the tapestry of Maeon's history, leaving behind a trail of chaos, disaster, and tragedy. Their allegiance to Tristitia ensures that they are perpetually entwined with acts of deception, madness, and manipulation.   Tristitia's mastery of deception is reflected in the Tenebrosi's ability to infiltrate even the most secure fortresses and befuddle their victims with their seemingly harmless jests and antics. The touch of madness that Tristitia imparts to his followers is a weapon in itself. The Tenebrosi are known to drive their targets to the brink of insanity through their elaborate and bewildering performances, often culminating in gruesome and senseless acts of violence.   Tristitia's dominion over royalty is not limited to earthly kings and queens; it extends to a more insidious form of power. The Tenebrosi, at times, conspire to topple kingdoms and manipulate those in positions of authority, sowing discord and chaos in their wake. Tristitia revels in the malevolent acts committed by his followers. The Tenebrosi carry out assassinations, sabotage, and subterfuge on his behalf, ensuring that evil deeds are perpetrated across Maeon under his sinister banner.   Paradoxically, Tristitia's mastery over law enables the Tenebrosi to exploit legal systems and manipulate those who uphold the law. They are adept at using the very principles of justice and order to further their nefarious agendas.   Tristitia's dark influence looms large over the realm of Maeon, and the Tenebrosi continue to carry out his sinister will, leaving a legacy of chaos, destruction, and malevolence wherever they go. Those who seek to oppose this malevolent alliance must tread carefully, for the machinations of Tristitia and his jester-assassins are as intricate as they are deadly.
Divine Classification
Eldritch Divine
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization