Yaga's Garden


Yaga's Garden is a place of perpetual mystery and change, an enigmatic realm where the laws of reality ebb and flow like the tides. These ancient woods, filled with a cacophony of otherworldly flora from various planes of existence, defy the very essence of stability. Located on Maeon yet existing in a state of constant flux, Yaga's Garden is a spatiotemporal anomaly of extraordinary proportions.   The most striking characteristic of Yaga's Garden is its perpetual movement. The woods shift and meander through the landscape of Maeon, never staying in one place for long. The reason for this nomadic existence lies in the volatile magics that permeate the very earth beneath these trees. The ancient and unstable enchantments that gave birth to Yaga's Garden are both a marvel and a mystery.   Within the confines of Yaga's Garden, the laws of reality are not immutable. They ebb and flow like the tides, and the very nature of the woods seems determined to test the boundaries of what is possible. Travelers within these woods often encounter phenomena that defy explanation: gravity that shifts directions, trees that grow leaves of silver and bark of glass, and whispers that sound like the voices of long-lost loved ones.   Deep within Yaga's Garden, nestled amidst the ever-changing foliage, lies the infamous Chicken-Legged House of the The Baba Yaga. This mythical figure, known across Maeon for her enigmatic wisdom and capricious nature, calls this ever-moving place her home. Her dwelling, perched upon massive chicken legs, can be found in different corners of the garden depending on its current location. Those who seek her counsel or dare to traverse her realm often find themselves on a surreal journey of self-discovery.
Alternative Name(s)
The Witches Woods, The Misty Veil
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species