The Baba Yaga

(a.k.a. The Great Crone)

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

The Dancing Hut of the Baba Yaga - A rustic hut approximately 15 feet tall and 15 feet square stands here, its timber walls hung with bundles of drying herbs and etched with eerie symbols. From beneath its splintering wooden porch extends a pair of legs, like those of a fifteen-foot-tall chicken with gigantic talons caked in mud but sharp as razors.   The Mistress' Twig - A staff owned by the Baba Yaga, it is said to have been crafted by the ancient goddess Estikal.   Baba Yaga's Mortar and Pestle - This wooden mortar for grinding is 4 feet tall and 14 inches in diameter, and can hold up to 4 cubic feet of dry goods. Its pestle is about 8 feet long and carved of the same dense wood.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Ancient Crone Baba Yaga resides in a secluded dwelling that seems to shift and move, defying logic and conventional understanding. Her abode is often found deep within the heart of ancient forests or on the edges of forgotten realms, where the barrier between the mundane and the mystical is at its thinnest. Worshipping Estikatl the Snake Goddess of the Occult, The Baba Yaga is intimately connected with the arcane forces that shape the world. She delves into the deepest depths of forbidden knowledge, uncovering ancient secrets and forgotten spells that have been lost to time. It is said that her every step echoes with the whispers of forgotten incantations, and her touch carries the weight of ancient rituals.   The Baba Yaga's motivations and intentions are as complex as the web of spells she weaves. She can appear both as a harbinger of doom, ready to unleash her wrath upon those who dare to cross her path, and as a wise mentor, offering guidance and aid to those who seek her wisdom. Her mercurial nature means that encounters with her are fraught with uncertainty, as she is known to test the mettle and worthiness of those who seek her audience. If those who approach the Baba Yaga are rude or uninteresting, she will not hesitate to remove them from her prescence.    Legends speak of her ability to grant immense power and unlock hidden potential, but always at a steep price. She is known to demand the fulfillment of a daunting task, the sacrifice of a cherished possession, or the relinquishment of a deeply held belief before bestowing her coveted gifts. The Crone understands the delicate balance of the universe and knows that power comes with consequences, making her choices of who to aid and who to hinder a matter of her own enigmatic judgment.   To some, she is a figure of fear, whispered about in hushed tones as a bringer of curses and misfortune. To others, she is a source of profound wisdom, a beacon of arcane knowledge, and a guardian of ancient traditions. The Baba Yaga's influence extends beyond mortal realms, as even some of the gods themselves are said to seek her counsel in matters that defy their own understanding.


Rangda Queen of the Leyak


Towards The Baba Yaga


The Baba Yaga


Towards Rangda Queen of the Leyak



The Baba Yaga and Rangda are both powerful practitioners of Magic and are seen as Witches of similar skill and capability. Both women detest one another as each believes themselves to be the pinnacle of witchcraft in the realm of Maeon. The two have come to blows several times throughout their existence and will often employee foolish adventurers to act on each other’s behalf.

True Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
600 BI 1900 Years old
Current Residence
The Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut
Long Grey Hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Wrinkled.
Known Languages
Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Ignan, Infernal, Sylvan, Terran
Ruled Locations