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Faerwalk Forest

While considered to be cursed by the greater populace, the Faerwalk Forest is host to a variety of supernatural phenomenon and unique denizens. Many believe that the woods are host to a magical gate that leads to the Feywild, however all who enter either lose track of their memory upon leaving the forest, or they simply never return.


Forest is characterized by towering coniferous trees, their branches twisting high into the sky like fingers and creating a dense canopy overhead. The entire forest is shaded by them, and the forest floor is carpeted with a thick layer of pine needles and moss that blanket the gnarled and knotted tree roots that cover the surface. Crystal-clear streams meander through the forest, their banks lined with smooth stones and vibrant ferns.   The further east one travels in forest, the more rocky hills and steep terrain can be found. However most of the forest is relativley even, despite the gently rolling hills.

Localized Phenomena

the forest enchanted with a spell meant to dull the senses of mortals so that they may get lost and forget what they see in the woods. The spell can make the victim feel hazy, clumsy, and generally dopey. Strange lights flicker among the trees, leading travelers astray and distorting their sense of direction.

Fauna & Flora

Fauna: Deer and elk roam freely through the forest, along with smaller varmints such as rabbits and foxes. Squirrels chatter among the trees often hunted by the great dusk owls that stalk the woods. Bears and wolves are known to inhabit the deeper, darker parts of the forest.   It is also said that Fey creatures such as sprites and pixies flit among the trees.   Flora: Dreamroot tubers sprout at the bases of trees, Starlight Blossoms grow among shafts of moonlight, and Glimmering Thistle rolls over rock and stone.


The Faerwalk Forest was long believed to be cursed, even before the arrival of the Greystar. Stories of travelers disappearing without a trace and strange lights flickering among the trees fueled superstitions about the woods.   During the Night of Ash, a catastrophic event triggered by the landing of the Greystar, mortals sought refuge within the depths of the forest. Some fled from the devastation wrought by the Greystar, seeking solace and shelter among the trees. Others ventured into the woods in search of the elusive Fey, hoping to harness their otherworldly powers.   In the aftermath of the Night of Ash, the Faerwalk Forest became a nexus between the Feywild and the Material Plane. Fey creatures, preferring secrecy and seclusion, used the forest as a bridge between their realm and the mortal world. Mortals who stumbled upon the enchanted woods often found themselves lost in its labyrinthine depths, unaware of the magical forces at play around them.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under

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