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Gorp is an enigmatic goblin alchemist with an insatiable curiosity. He is deeply absorbed in his alchemical pursuits, constantly experimenting with volatile concoctions, poisons, and elixirs. He's surprisingly intelligent and has a wealth of knowledge about magical herbs, alchemical formulas, and obscure rituals. However, his thoughts and motivations are often veiled, and he rarely divulges personal information. Gorp is adaptable and pragmatic, more interested in pursuing his own inscrutable agenda than any political alignment or faction loyalty.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Teleportation Serum: Gorp possesses a unique serum that allows him to teleport short distances, providing him with a quick escape or tactical advantage.
  • Alchemical Expertise: Gorp is a master of alchemy, able to create potent concoctions, explosives, and elixirs. He can craft various potions with both beneficial and harmful effects.
  • Poison Mastery: Gorp can concoct deadly poisons that can be applied to weapons or used to set traps. His knowledge of toxins makes him a dangerous adversary.
  • Evasive Tactics: Gorp excels in staying out of harm's way. He can employ various tools and alchemical devices to create obstacles, smoke screens, or barriers to evade enemies.

Apparel & Accessories

Gorp always wears his dark tattered robe with yellow stars and moons dyed onto it. It has undergone many alterations and repairs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Some say he was a hermit who stumbled upon ancient tomes and alchemical secrets hidden within the mires, while others speculate he was an outcast from a goblin tribe who honed his skills in solitude. Regardless of his past, Gorp's knowledge and abilities are undeniable.   He's been sought after by various factions and organizations, including the Children of Varbrunt, but he remains elusive. He's known to accept lucrative contracts and share his alchemical expertise for a price. Gorp's actions often seem unpredictable, as he serves his interests above all else. His motives are concealed behind a veil of secrecy, and he's skilled at evading inquiries about his true goals.   Adventurers who cross paths with Gorp may find themselves in need of his alchemical talents. However, dealing with him can be a perilous endeavor, as his inscrutable nature makes him both a useful ally and a potential threat.
Beady, yellow
Gray and wirey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green and mottled
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