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Session #3

General Summary


  • The party, while prepping for camp one night on the road, is accosted by a pack of giant spiders as they hunt a young couple. The couple was seeking to escape their village for the night and get away when they were ambushed by the pack of spiders. They will pay the party for an escort back to their farmstead. 
  • The party comes across an old barn in a field one night with a small light in the window. Leading to the doorway are large giant tracks in the mud, Within the dimly lit and rundown barn is a hill giant hunched over an emaciated cow, petting the drowsy creature. The giants name is Gaulbrynn, and he comes from the Giant Pits where his hand was severed. He escaped through the tunnel network below the pits. He now simply wishes to live quietly. 
  • A travelling group of merchants, gamblers and bards are seen on the road with their flamboyant caravan following behind. They're elegently garbed and their wagons are covered with colorful cloths. They are coming from the Giant Pits where they have just made a load of gold placing bets on fights. 
  • Gorp, the goblin alchemist is busy searching for herbs for his potions. He will detect the party (unless they are activley sneaking), and use a Potion of Project image to communicate with them. He will request help from the party in finding a spectre lily so that he can brew more Potions of Project Image. He will only reveal himself at the end of their interaction. If the party helps him but finds the wrong flower, it will create a potion of wild magic. 

Notes on Baruke's God

  It is a deity of the Greystar that represents rebirth, often symbolyzed by budding flowers or cherry blossoms. It was once a being of beauty and life. However after eons, it has searched among mortals and failed to find a worth vessel to be reborn from.    After attaching itself to Baruke, it finds him worth and will continue to feed off of his strength while it grows. It is known as Vhez'zheth
Report Date
13 Nov 2023
Primary Location
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