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The Giant Pits V2



A home to tourists and travellers set up right outside the Giant Pits. Its named for its muddy roads and alleys, and its often-drunk residents.
  • Smashtown features a small tavern, stables, a few market stalls, and tents for sleeping.
  • The sounds of fighting and shouting can often heard among the tents, and the air smells of mud and ale.
  • Some have taken to selling counterfit passes to the Giant Pits for a lower price (15gp), however they may be discovered by the guards
  • Three acolytes of Lyspeth have traveled here to protest against the Pits and rally the public to their side

Main Gate

The heavily guarded entry to the Giant Pits. The Winding road is under constant guard and the gates remain flanked by watchers and is controlled with a mechanical crank.
  • The gate is heavily guarded. The path is adorned with large burning torches and banners of the New Bond.
  • Guards are perched atop the cliffs, as well as the watchtowers. They watch the winding line and crowds of customers.
  • The sounds of giants clashing and roaring can be heard from beyond the walls.

Entry Hall The entrance chamber, filled with visitors, guards, and decorum.
  • Large braziers fill the room with light and warmth. Statues of famous warriors and folk heros adorn the walls like gargoyls.
  • Two guard posts armed with manned ballistae adorne each flank of the main entrance. A high ranking officer mans one of the tables near the entrance. 
  • Crowds of people are finding their way around the hall, as well as watching the ongoing fight. The bleachers are filled with onlookers.
  • The sounds of the fight can be heard more clearly from inside, and the giants bellows fill the halls. The crowd cheers and gasps in response to the brutal display of barbarism.

Market Wing

  • This hall is filled the chanting and hollaring of merchant and mongers. The smell of buttery foods lingers in the air as you see stalls of exotic foods with chefs rapidly preparing them. Trinkets and souveniers adorn other tables, as well as armories of branded weapons and armor. Near the blears are dining tables where many sit enjoying their meals.
  • Guards patrol the walkways, and are slightly distracted by the ongoing fights.

Champions Wing The eastern hall of the Pits features a small cage that contains the most recent victor of the fights for visitors to come spectate and interact with.
  • Boxes of rotten fruits and vegetables sit near the cage for viewers to throw at the giant. The current resident of the cage is a hairy, portly hill giant called Grobtub. He is crammed in the small cage, covered in rotten food with cuts all over his body. It is a miserable sight.
  • Small crowds form to cheer and torture the caged giant. Guards watch on from their post.
  • Grobtub knows where Tuslog is and will happily tell the party, however the guards don't want people talking privatley with the giant, and will shove the party away if they notice it going on for too long.

Security Checkpoint
  • The northern-most point in the pits acts as a checkpoint and guardpost. A stair case leads up into the guards quarters, as well as down into the dungeon.
  • Two Ballistas are manned are stand watch for any form of giant disobediance. 
  • The doors to both the dungeon and the guards quarters are locked, but any guard has a 25% chance (DC15 Investigation check) to carry keys that unlock these doors

Dungeon This dank, dimly lit under-chamber is filled with tight corridors and cramped cells. The giants here are miserable, having no space to move or stretch, and only being let out to fight. 
  • The southeastern cell holds an angered hill giant (Maull of Deag) the roars and yells to be let out. He cries for food and threatens to eat the guards when it escapes. He roars constantly just to annoy the guards, filling the dungeon with echos. He might entertain the idea of eating the party if he escapes, but if they free him he will likely spare them.
  • The northern cell holds a quiet fire giant who sits silently, smoldering in the darkness. The subtle embers on her skin can be seen glowing in the dark cell. She is hateful towards all humans, but will spitefully aid the party if they free her. 
  • Tuslog awaits in the southwestern cell, nursing his bruises from his last fight. He will aid the party however he can in helping him and the others escape. He will tell the party about the knock-out gas that the captain will deploy. 
  • Each cell door has a mechanical locking mechanism that requires a key to unlock the crank. The lock can be picked with a DC15 sleight of hand check, but an action must still be spent to operate the mechanism and open the door. A keyring rests on the wall by the staircase, and the guards may have a set.
  • The walls of the dungeon are lined with large brass pipes which are connected to a pump system that will flood the chamber with knock-out gas if activated. It can only be activated by Captain Lucain, however all the guards have alarm horns that will alert the captain to trouble if sounded. The gas travels 10' per round, and requires a DC15 saving throw if inhaled. If failed, the target is knocked out for 1d8-CON mod hours. 


  The main event of the pits take place here; the fights. Bones of dead giants, as well as executed human prisoners scatter the field. The grass is stained with blood.  
  • Large Spikes line the walls that deal 1d10 peircing damage when impaled.
  • Two giants, a hill giant and a frost giant, are currently fighting in the arena. The fight is a brutal melee, and both combatants fight barbaricly. The frost giant is the victor, freezing his opponents arms and breaking them off at the shoulders before beating him to death. 

Lower Gate

This heavily guarded gate provides direct access to the dungeon and is used to transport new prisoners into the cells. 
  • Two Ballistas sit atop the 20' wall. A ladder rests by the gate that can be used to reach the top of the wall. 
  • The gate can be opened with a heavy crank that raises it. It requires three turns of the crank, and each turn requires a DC10 strength check (a medium sized creature can enter after two cranks, but anything larger must wait for it to fully open. 

Guards Quarters

The space where guards can rest, maintain their gear, store contraband, and watch the fights. Captain Lucaine also has her quarters here, well as the control mechanism for the knockout gas. 
  • In the main chamber, three guards sit eating and discussing the visiting Chief Counselor Belkronia, and their displeasure with her nasty presence.
  • In the captains quarters, Lucaine and Chief Counselor Belkronia discuss the lack of funds that the pits are bringing in. The Counselor scolds the Captain for her percieved lack of effort, while the Captain maintains a stern composure (while suffering on the inside). The Captain comes out of it hot and angered, while the Counselor is pleased and watches the fight. 
  • Keys, multiple +1 items, 275gp, a silver flask, a filtration mask, a royal green cloak, as well as financial reports that show dropping profits can be found in the captains quarters. Locked behind the southern door is the control mechanism for the pipes. It can be operated with a crank, or sabotaged (unhooking the crank from the inner mechanism, rendering the crank inoperable) with a DC10 Intelligence check, or automatically with tinkerer tools. 
  • In the guards common room

Other Characters:

  • Captain Lucaine, captain of the guard
  • Lady Frosselda, high priestess of Lyspeth
  • Crow and Gale, edgelord acolytes of Lyspeth
  • Tuslog, giant slave and folk hero to the Children of Varbrunt
Founding Date
Parent Location

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