BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Kai Ishikawa

Kai Ishikawa is a Dreamspeaker Disciple and a member of the Eternity Unbound Cabal. As with many in their Tradition, Kai has a great affinity for Umbral matters, expressed as a form of Neo-Shinto Technoshamanism--as such, they are also the primary tech support for all of Spero Hall. While they awakened in the wake of The Termination and thus never knew the Umbra in its previous state, they do not see its devastation as an inherent negative--instead they see an opportunity to mend and heal, ultimately bringing themselves and humanity closer together.  

Personality and Demeanor

Kai is... A bit odd. Always friendly and relentlessly positive, they are also prone to just blankly staring at someone if they don't understand what the other person wants, and they have been known to create some spectacularly deafening awkward silences. They are also not above pretending not to speak English--shifting to fluent Japanese--in order to diffuse awkward situations... Including with people who are fully aware of their bilinguality. They have a tendency to always see the best in people, and its their insistence that keeps Caleb Rook as a member of Eternity Unbound.   Kai has extensive dealings with all manner of Umbral spirits, most notably Frosty & Sparky, as well as a full stable of data and information spirits. Their demeanor towards the spirits they treat with is always respectful and deferent, nearly to a fault, with a formal reverence that attests to their traditional Shinto training.  

Magickal Practice

Kai's arts revolve nearly entirely about the various pacts, deals, and interactions they have with a variety of spirits. Technological flourishes on traditional rites, rituals, and methods are all standard practice for them. They maintain a functional shrine of server architecture in the lowest level of Spero Hall, powered by the electricity elemental playfully known by members of the Hall as Sparky and cooled by the winter spirit known as Frosty. From there, they dispatch all manner of processes, daemons, and sprites throughout the digital web to do their bidding.   In addition to their Shinto training, Kai is also an extremely competent hacker and hardware specialist, often fusing the two to create technomantic Fetishes. They always endeavor to keep such devices temporary, however, out of respect for the spirits that power them.   Kai obviously focuses primarily on the sphere of Spirit, with further competence in the spheres of Mind, Prime, and the technomantic sphere of Data. They are developing their understanding of the spheres of Life and Forces, with the eventual goal of full holistic immersion into the Digital Web.


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