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Caleb Rook

Caleb Rook is an Orphan Disciple with Darkling tendencies and a member of the Eternity Unbound Cabal. Awakening in the wake of The Termination, Rook never personally knew the golden age of the Traditions... Which is almost certainly for the best. Caleb Rook is, by his own admission, a Luciferian Infernalist, making deals and pacts with dark entities using stolen Hermetic knowledge, much to the chagrin of just about everyone outside his Cabal. He is a member of Spero Hall.  

Personality and Demeanor

Caleb Rook is the definition of suave. Cool, calm, collected, connected, and eminently likable (I'm sure the whole demons thing is overblown anyway). He is an exercise in duality, genuinely and emphatically friendly and helpful to those he cares about, while simultaneously capable of dispensing some of the coldest, most venomous words you could possibly imagine to those he dislikes. He is also extremely wealthy--a recent, probably unrelated development--and is very generous with his wealth to those around him... Generousity that largely goes rejected as the money tends to carry a faint scent of sulfur and a general feeling of unease.  

Magickal Practice

Caleb Rook's Magick stems from occult deals, pacts, and bargains with demons. Supposedly. He maintains a loyal cult that is extremely devoted him, that he uses to witness and fuel various Luciferian rites, braced by a Hermetic Demonological text. Animal sacrifices, black robes, ritual daggers, chanting in strange languages... It's exactly how you picture it. He keeps the rituals secret from the rest of the members of Spero Hall--not secret that they don't know he does them, just secret in that he doesn't want them to watch. Seriously, it's probably fine.   In private, Father Solomon puts forward an alternative theory: Taboo and transgression have historically been potent Magical foci, and next to nothing is more taboo or transgressive than devil worship. It's kind of impossible to know if the entity Rook is bargaining with his truly the ancient Adversary, or just a modern incarnation of pop culture rebellion. For now, the rest of Spero Hall takes a wait and see approach, with a permanently wary eye pointed Rook's way.   Rook primarily works his arts through the lens of Ars Cupiditae and Hypereconomics, Chaos Magick, and Faith, with a focus on the spheres of Mind, Entropy, and Prime, with a growing understanding of Life. He's been known to obliterate the self-esteem of those who particularly piss him off with a few well-chosen words, an effect that has produced a few dark results. He also commonly uses his wealth and his music as instruments as well.  

Relationships and Connections

Nicholas Sainte threatens to shoot Rook on a fairly regular basis, angrily seeking the return of the Hermetic text Rook uses in his rituals. It is unclear whether Sainte is joking or not, but to date he has not attempted to act on his threats.   Oliver Baird often seems to watch Rook to an uncomfortable degree.   Roca Prince and Caleb Rook have an ongoing sexual relationship, as well as a general friendship and a musical partnership where they perform as the duo AVID, A Voice In Darkness. There is speculation that Prince's acceptance of Caleb and his paradigm is the only thing keeping Caleb in good standing at Spero Hall.


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