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The Baknar (as named by the Reghed Tribes of Kalte ) are a race of large humanoid carnivores, originally from Kalte . They stand over 8ft tall, are covered with white fur, and have large claws. They are highly suited to the cold and are comfortable in arctic conditions.

They are fierce combatants, but do not travel in groups of more than three. They are considered an ever present threat for those travelling the wastes of Kalte . Many travelers believe that carrying an open flame can keep the creatures at bay.

Those not from Kalte , often refer to these creatures as Yeti, a mythological creature found in the upper mountains of Northern Magnamund.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They have thick layers of fat to keep them warm. This fat is the principal ingredient in Baknar Oil . In fact, this fat can be directly applied to the skin providing protection from the cold.

Their fur is often tanned and used as part of the lining of more expensive and rugged cold weather gear.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Baknar have highly developed senses of smell and the ability to perceive heat emitting sources.
  • +3 to perception checks with smell
  • Infravision
Average Height
7 - 9 feet


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