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Kalte is the name for the icy continent that exists at the northern pole of Magnamund. It is separated from Sommerlund by the Kaltesee.

Kalte has been isolated from the rest of Magnamund for its entire existence. It has served as the home of Ice Barbarians, Human warriors that roamed the tundra and mountains of Kalte. The Ice Barbarians viciously attacked most visitors to Kalte and only suffered the existence of Ljuk in order to gain access to metal weapons and tools that are almost unknown in Kalte.

Kalte's Location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


Kalte is a blend of cultures. The larger settlements are populated with immigrants from across the Kaltersee. The Reghed Tribes of Kalte have suffered famine and heavy losses over the year, but still exercise dominion of the open spaces between the larger settlements. While they no longer attack southerners on site, they are hostile. Each community contains a blend of cultures from Northern Magnamund, and the Reghed influence is strong.


This isolation has only recently been interrupted. During the winter of MS 5091, there was a great extinction of the migratory caribou caused by the explosion of Chardalyn at Ikaya. The Chardalyn poisoned a great number of caribou and almost led to the extinction of the Ice Barbarians. Humanitarian efforts by both Sommerlund and Durenor saved the Ice Barbarians and allowed them to send expeditions to build settlements in Kalte .

Since then, a number of settlements have arisen across Kalte , taking advantage of natural resources and the relative anonymity provided by the isolation of the north. The Ice Barbarians have adapted but many resent the intrusion of people on their land. Since the The Great Darkness of the North  has befallen Kalte , this has exacerbated tensions as famine threatens Kalte once again.
Political, Confederation
Power Structure
The southern towns in Kalte standardize on the use of the Gold Crown.
The Reghed Tribes of Kalte utilize a barter economy between them.


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