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Cloak of Arachnidia

The Cloak of Archnidia, or Spider-Cloak, is a thick black cloak, often adorned with silver stitching in a web pattern.  It confers a number of abilities based on a cultural approximation of an idealized spider.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Wearing a Cloak of Arachnidia confers the following benefits:
  • Clinging, 0 Endurance
  • +20 Str for escaping Entangles or Grabs with a web special effect
  • LS: immune to arachnid poisons
  • 2d6 AE (cone) web based Entangle, 1/day


With the creation of the Piwafwi, and Lloth's penchant for spiders, the Cloak of Arachnidia is often unfairly associated with Lloth and the Illthyri, Shianti subrace betrayal of the Shianti Empire .  Use of a Cloak of Arachnidia may be viewed negatively by members of the Shianti Empire .
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Very Rare


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