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Illthyri, Shianti subrace

The elves, or Shianti as they call themselves, are split into 4 different clans. Elves are slender with pointed ears. The four clans have cosmetic differences in appearance. The statistic changes below represent a Night elf (Illthyri).

The night elves have black skin and red eyes. In the past they turned on the Shianti Empire and came to worship Lolth . While worshipping Lolth , they took on the name Drow. This continued on for years until they launched an invasion of the surface realm. They were repelled by armies of both Human and Shianti, or elf .

They have since returned to the Shianti Empire but many remember their treachery and watch them closely. They reside underground in the caves that honeycomb Vaduzahn and other areas farther removed.

Hero System Statistics [11 points]

StatisticStarting AdjustmentPoint Cost
Dexterity +2 6 pts
Constitution -1 -2 pts
Comeliness +4 2 pts
Presence +2 2 pts
StatisticMaxima AdjustmentPoint Cost
Dexterity +3 3 pts
Constitution -2 -1 pt
Comeliness +6 1 pt
Presence +3 1 pt
DescriptionPoint Cost
Infrared Perception 5 pts
Life Support: long lifespan 3 pts
Ambidexterity: Off Hand Penalty reduced to -1 6 pts
Distinctive Feature, elven features, coloring -5 pts
Reputation as snobbish and exotic -5 pts
Reputation as treacherous among elves -5 pts
Genetic Ancestor(s)
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