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Demonologists gain from their association with creatures from the Daziarn.  These powers are malicious and tend to lead their followers into evil and destructive acts.  hat those infernal agents gain from the association is still unknown but the gaining of each new power is often associated with vile deeds and sacrifice.

Unlike other practitioners of magic, demonologists do not channel their magic into individual spells and powers.  Individual powers are gained through negotiations with Powerful entities from the Daziarn.

Demonology is rarely used as a primary means of magical power.  Use of demonology is often taken as supplemental to other Magical Styles .  However, it can be pursued independently.

Hero System Specifics

    Perk: demonology, 5 character points
  • This Perk represents the years of study it requires to be able to use left handed magic
Demon Magic Skill , 3 character points, +1 to roll for two points
  • This Skill represents a character's ability to manipulate their demonic powers.
Demon Granted Powers. Demonologists are granted individual powers through negotiations with entities from Daziarn.  Once granted, the demonologist can wield them with impunity.  Gaining powers are subject to the guidelines below.
  • Powers are not purchased within any Power Framework
  • All powers within the power pool require a Magic Skill check, -1/2
  • All powers must have a Limitation, requires a sacrifice -1/4, with the magnitude and recurrence of the sacrifice based upon the active points of the power
Demonologists may purchase familiars of a Demonic/Daziarn origin.


Demonology is often practiced in secret and is spread equally across Magnamund. It is less frequent in areas such as Vassagonia and Mythan that are nearer other planar influences. Demonology is outlawed in almost all principalities.

Demonology arose as a prominent form of magic under the reign of the Wytch-King Shasarak, of the Shadakine Empire.
Metaphysical, Demonic


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