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Magical Styles

Magnamund is a world of magic. From nation to nation, wizards and their ilk are treated differently, but always with respect. All races and peoples can count magical practitioners among their number. Though, from nation to nation, an individual practitioner's method of interaction with magic can vary wildly. A number of these different magical styles are available for player character use. Each magical style is defined by a number of required skills, powers, and limitations.

  Magical styles are defined by the minimum requirements of each style. In addition to the minimum requirements, an individual character may take on additional limitations or advantages so as to model their own unique interpretation of the style. For example, a left handed mage may also require the use of a wand to cast spells, perhaps a holdover from his initial learning they have yet to shed. These customizations may be applied or ignored at the discretion of the character.


Hero System Statistics

Each magical style has a section detailing the changes in game mechanics that are required by any magician of that style. The details of this section should be applied to the character as follows. All magicians and magical styles have the following restrictions on Magnamund.
  • Magical healing is not available on Magnamund and no spells defined by the character may use the Hero System Healing power as a base.
  • Magical Teleportation is limited to a total distance of 50" total. Only the Shianti, or elf have mastered teleportation beyond this distance and this is not available to player characters.
  • Use of armor inhibits the use of magic. Wearing armor incurs a penalty to any magic skill check as per the following.
    Armor or Equivalent Magic Skill Penalty
    Leather Armor -2
    Chain Mail armor -4
    Plate Armor -6
  • Except when specifically approved by the GameMaster, all spells require Endurance. For any power that does not require Endurance, the character must apply a Requires Endurance Limitation to the spell.
  • All spells and powers require 1/2 phase to initiate.
  • All practitioners of magic are eligible to purchase a follower that represents a magical familiar. These followers can purchase the Mind Link power, applicable to their practitioner only. The in-game process whereby this happens, and what familiar animals are available, varies by tradition.

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