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A large ferocious wolf used by the Darklord armies of Helgedad as battle mounts for their Giaks .   Doomwolves have razor sharp fangs and fleshy grey tongues. They are larger and fiercer than the mountain wolves of northern Magnamund. They were first bred in Helgedad to serve as mounts for Giak officers.   They were hardy and quick to multiply in the wolf pens of the black city and were soon commonplace in every Darklord fortress. Large units of Doomwolves are employed to carry Giak lancers and as mounts for scouts and messengers.

Basic Information


Doomwolves resembel large black wolves with greasy fur, gleaming malevolent eyes, sharp fangs, and vicious claws. They slaver and drool when they detect the scent of humans or horses.

Genetics and Reproduction

Within 100 years of their creation, Doomwolves had become capable of procreating just as wolves do. Doomwolves can breed with other breeds of wolves, but the litters produced are almost always stronger or more violent versions of the normal wolves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Doomwolves are exclusively carnivorous. In the Darklands they are fed a steady supply of Doomwolf and Giak corpses.


Doomwolves have a cruelty streak, and when possible with kill their victims with a multitude of small wounds rather than a quick strike. Quick killing strikes are reserved for true combat.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Doomwolves can see clearly in the dark and have vastly improved olfactory and auditory senses. Nightvision
  • +3 to perception with smell
  • Tracking for normal smell
  • +3 perception with hearing
  • Ultrasonic perception


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