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The Darklands encompass a large physical area containing a number of semi-independent city-states.  It is ruled by the Darklords and is the historical enemy of Sommerlund .

The Darklands are feid place where only vicious and poisonous things grow. The creatures and plants of the Darklands are all tainted and twisted in one way or another by the power of Naar . The heart of the Darklands is dominated by teh Iron City of Helgedad, the domain and fortress of the Darklords.

The Darklands have a long history of invasion and destruction, though every time it swells past its borders, it has been turned back by the might of the allied nations of northern Magnamund.

Darkland's location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.
Geopolitical, Empire
1 iron kika = 1/5 gold crown
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Notable Members


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