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Evil is at the core of what defined hags, an inextricable part of their identity. They were representatives of malice and malignancy, paragons of corruption who took unbridled joy in creating misery and misfortune for the virtuous and content. Their reversed sense of value extended to aesthetics as well, for hags were known to relish their moral and physical ugliness, as well as the horror that they evoked, and be disgusted by the beautiful to the point of disfiguring those who were attractive.

All hags are practitioners of sorcery, and excel at different expressions of Magi Magic . Many excel at herbalism as well as nature lore.

Basic Information


Hags were almost universally unique in their exact forms and mannerisms, but there were typically common physical traits between them. Generally, hags looked like crooked crones, wrinkled and withered women of unsightly appearance with blotchy skin marred by warts and moles. Their long, skinny fingers were tipped by talon-like nails as tough as steel and as sharp as blades, and their mouths were filled with sharp, blackened teeth and noxious breath. Long, frayed hair ringed their creased faces, but even though their faces were heavy from their malice, the glimmer of sly villainy could still be seen in their eyes.

However, if a hag needed to not invoke utter disgust, they could magically disguise themselves, the exact limits of their illusions being specific to different hags.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hags reproduce by stealing and raising children of other species.  Steady exposure to the corrupting influence of the Hag slowly changes the child.  Sometimes, they are re-introduced to their families and only come to full awareness as they pass puberty.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hags are carnivorous and can consume large amounts of food.  They consume sentient flesh and some prefer to consume the flesh of children.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hags have excellent low-light vision and can see in the ultraviolet spectrum.  They prefer the lighting dim.

In addition, they have a keen sense of smell and can often detect intruders in their lairs by this sense alone.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Hags are outcast among the Fae, and feared among the pixies, Chwinga , and brownies that also live on Magnamund.


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