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Any details surrounding Millicent are unknown. Her presence was indicated after finding correspondence between her and Ravisin , who she referred to has her sister.

In investigating the White Moose attacks in Lonelywood , the The Antiquarian Association found her based at the Ancient Elven Moondial . She distracted the team, before sneaking away.

She indicated that loggers from Lonelywood killed her sister Silva .

She later launched and ill-conceived attack against the The Antiquarian Association  that lead to her death.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Millicent is a skilled magical practitioner and has used the following abilities:
  • Creating an illusion of herself
  • Making herself invisible
  • "Awakening" animals and granting them additional intelligence, permanently
  • Call a storm of hail from the sky, damaging multiple people
  • Quickly teleporting by shapeshifting to a cloud of snow (visible teleport)
Current Location
5069 MS 5097 MS 28 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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