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The White Moose Killings

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


The Antiquarian Association enter Lonelywood and find that the town is in dire straits. They make arrangements with Nimsey Huddle to provide the use of their Cauldron of Plenty to help the town avoid starvation issues.

When Nimsey Huddle tells them about their issues with a large white moose attacking local loggers. The Antiquarian Association , with the assistance of Chwinga follow the moose to the Ancient Elven Moondial . There they face the moose and Millicent .

She flees, but the group recovers all archeological artifacts from the site, and dispatch the moose. They return to Lonelywood where Millicent conducts an ill-advised attacks a few days later and perishes.

The Antiquarian Association enter Lonelywood and find that the town is in dire straits. They make arrangements with Nimsey Huddle to provide the use of their Cauldron of Plenty to help the town avoid starvation issues. They hold a gathering in the The White Moose Inn to share the bounty of the Kettle.

  At the gathering, Nimsey Huddle tells them about their issues with a large white moose attacking local loggers. There have been two deaths, and multiple injuries. The Antiquarian Association unsuccessfully try to draw out the moose by masquerading as loggers. The next day, with the assistance of Chwinga, they follow the tracks of the moose to the Ancient Elven Moondial . There they face the moose, multiple wolves, and Millicent .

  Millicent flees the area, but the group successfully dispatches the large moose. They investigate and recover a number of ancient Shianti, or elf artifacts from the site as well as the corpse of Silva . They return to Lonelywood, and bring the bounty of the slain moose back with them to the town.

Nimsey Huddle arranges for Yancy Huddle to act as an agent of The Antiquarian Association in managing the The White Moose Inn and the Cauldron of Plenty .

The night before before the The Antiquarian Association departs Lonelywood , Millicent attacks. They dispatch her only to find that her ill-advised attack was at the behest of Auril .

Related Location
Ancient Elven Moondial
Related timelines & articles
Magnamund World History
The Antiquarian History