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The Moonstone is a magical artifact created by the Shianti, or elf after their arrival on Magnamund. The moonstone was woven from the fabric of the astral plane of Daziarn by the Great Ones of teh Shianti Empire. When the Shianti attained the level of knowledge they required, they crystallized their knowledge in the form of a translucent gem. It combines the might and wisdom of all their wizardy at the time. Unfortunately, the vast amount of magic involved in the creation of the Moonstone disturbed the order of its creation, infusing it with Wild Magic .

Time in Magnamund is measured from the date of its creation. It is capable of creating Shadow Gates to the Daziarn. So disruptive was its influence on the planet that it was sent into the Daziarn realm for the safety of Magnamund.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Moonstone is an artifact of unparalleled power, the limitations of which are uknown.  Users have observed that the stronger the effect channeled through the Moonstone, the larger the influence of Wild Magic .

The Moonstone has been observed to exhibit the following powers:
  • Possession of the Moonstone confers 4 skill levels with magic upon its holder
  • Use of the Moonstone with any spell casting can increase the spell used by up to 20 active points
  • The Moonstone can be used to open temporary Shadow Gates to the Daziarn for up to 20 individuals
  • Meditation with the Moonstone and concentration upon a specific goal will open up the "path" to success
Item type
Creation Date
1 lb


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