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Shianti, or elf

The Shianti, commonly referred to as elves, are a species of humanoids that arrived in Magnamund in 1600 MS. Legends only tell that they arrived from elsewhere.   Individual Shianti can be found across both continents, though the majority reside in the Shianti Empire located in the isolated island of Vaduzhan. Within the Empire, the Shianti are split between four different clans, with each having different physical phenotypical expressions. However, all Shianti are of one species and can produce children together.

Hero System statistics for Shianti racial packages can be found in the linked subrace articles.

Basic Information


An adult Shianti shares the same range of height as a human. They have points to their ears and their eyes have a mild slant leading to an almond shape. They tend toward slim and overweight Shianti are rare.  Skin coloring can vary by region and by subrace.
They are more dexterous than humans, and culturally they tend to eschew heavy armors.

Growth Rate & Stages

Shianti age slowly and spend decades as children.  A Shianti is not seen to have reached their age of majority until they reach 110 years of age.   Once they reach adulthood, their physical appearence does not change much for the next 400 years of age when they reach  their elderly state.  This state is accompanied by wrinkles and greying of the hair that is seen as very attractive in Shianti culture.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Shianti tend toward vegetarianism, but this is cultural, not biological.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Shianti have very sensitive eyes are able to see perfectly well in minimal light.  Specific biological adaptations can vary by individual and subrace.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

The Shianti maintain the same technological level as other civilized sapient species on Magnamund.  In addition to other technologies, the Shianti maintain the following technological advantages:
  • Shianti maintain refinements in leather armor construction, including the application of lacquers that harden the medium beyond normal hardness.  Shianti lacquered armors provide protection equivalent to chain armor (5 DEF)
  • Shianti apply lacquering techniques to wooden weapons that allow them to carry and edge and sturdiness analagous to steel.  This results  in Shianti weapons of this type having on less damage class, but reducing strength minimum by 2.

Articles under Shianti, or elf


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