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A nothic is a monstrous creature with terrible talons and a single great eye. They are intelligent, but seem demented and singularly focused on magical spells or imbued items.  They ask about them often, and can sense when they are near.  If items are not shared with them, they have been known to attack..

Nothics spring from some unkown land in the Daziarn Plane.They seem to have a strange ability to "know" things about those that they engage in conversation.  They enjoy taunting other creatures with this knowledge, though they show little to no interest in exploiting the information they gain in this way.

Basic Information


Nothics have a common humanoid body, with two arms and two legs.  Though, they are known to travel quickly on all fours using their arms to propel themselves as some simian species.

They do not have binocular vision, but rather have one large prominent eye in the middle of their face.  The flesh around their jawbone allows for their jaws to stretch to an unusual degree.

Biological Traits

The large eye of the Nothic allows it to cause decay and anything it concentrates on for a for a half phase.
  • 1d3 RKA, invisible power effect, attack versus limited defense (power defense), concentration 1/2 DCV
The Nothics are capable of quick movement, using both their forelimbs to assist running and jumping incredible distances
  • +2" running when not carrying anything in their arms
  • Superleap +4"
Nothics have sharp claws and teeth
  • 1d3 HKA (1d6+1 with strength) claws and bite attack

Genetics and Reproduction

Nothics do not reproduce in a conventional sense. A nothic is the product of a person experiencing a fully developed infection with Gnothic Blight .  Following full expression, the Nothic may experience brief glimpses of their old life.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nothics do not need to eat or drink, though they may do so enjoy the experience of consuming food.   In this instance, they are omnivores and will eat prepared food and raw flesh.

Biological Cycle

Nothics are effectively immortal and can live for centuries with no food or water.  They may be slain by injury or disease, but they do not age.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Nothics arrange themselves in groups or tribes.  Their social behavior within these groups is unkown.  They do not seem to have defined chiefs or leaders, and will turn on each other if they feel cheated of a proper share in spoils.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their singular prominent eye allows them to see various spectra of light, and detect magic items.
  • Infravision
  • +2 to visual perception checks
  • 8d6 Telepathy, invisible power effects, only to glean secrets


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