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Spined Devil

A spined devil is a malevolent creature of the Daziarn that delights in causing chaos and destruction in civilized and peaceful societies. They often act through the manipulation of members of those societies thus blaming the chaos they cause on their victims.

They are often summoned by practitioners of Demonology and may act as bodyguards for individual wizards and witches.  While spined devils do not care for this duty, their relative lack of power often places them at the mercy of their summoners.

Basic Information


Spined Devils are humanoid creatures with tails, spiny ridges, and functioning wings.

Biological Traits

Spiny Devils have hard skin, tested repeatedly by the environments of their extraplanar homes.  They have the following physical characteristics.
  • Flight 10"
  • Armor 4 pd / 4 ed
  • 1d3 HKA (w/ claws)

Dietary Needs and Habits

Spined Devils are omnivores, but show no need to sleep.


Spined Devils delight in manipulation and chaos.  They love to set individuals against each other and watch the carnage ensue.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Spined Devils are highly intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Spined Devils have above average visual perception and are able to perceive in both the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Spiny Devils may find themselves summoned by practitioners of Demonology .  They themselves are skilled practitioners, and may draw power from other creatures of the Daziarn.  As such, their abilities vary greatly between individual members of the species.


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