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Sulyana Argishorn

Sulyana Argishorn (a.k.a. Sully)

Sulyana Argishorn grew up wealthy, in an upper middle class lifestyle.  While not a member of the nobility, she was raised very comfortably.  This was offset by the blindness that afflicted her in her early teens.  Her family sheltered her but she eventually grew to resent her parents smothering and protecting her.

Because, unknown to her parents, while she lost her sight, she began to experience flashes of Clairsentience Discipline .  And, by the time she lost her sight completly, her mastery over Clairsentience Discipline fully matured.  She learned how to navigate using her extra-sensory abilities as well as when she was sighted.

She learned how to play a variety of musical instruments, and made her way as a a travelling bard.  Her blindness, coupled with her skill, made her a novelty and she never lacked for work.  But, it was in her years as a travelling bard that she became less content with her place.  She learned how to fight and joined the Second Death.

In her time with them , her combat skills improved and she learned Telepathy Discipline.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Despite being blind, Sully is an amazing combatant fighting with her white cane and its concealed blade.  Her skills in clairsentience make up for her blindness, allowing her to fully utilize her eight combat skill levels with her cane.

She is a master of Clairsentience Discipline with a variety of powers including precognition, postcognition, spatial awareness, and find weakness w/ her blade.

She is an apprentice of Telepathy Discipline with only a few powers, primarily suited to aiding her communications with the rest of her team.
ex-Player Character
Played by Marilou Neipert
Long Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"
140 lbs
Aligned Organization


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