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Tahou is the capital city of Anari, and the home of both the President and the Senate (Anarium). It is  situated atop the tallest hill- called Fazik bin Tahou- in the country's central rolling grasslands. It is surrounded by wide open planes and from a distance, one can see the many minarets and towers that populate the city. It is sometimes referred to as the "Velvet Fortress".

The road between Navasari and Tahou are lined with 6 ft standing stones, said to be the petrified bodies of Vassan raiders.

The "Cauldron of Tahou" is a bowel shaped depression in the middle of the city. At the middle of this depression is a 500 ft long shaft that descends to the ancient ruins of Zaeryx, a settlement that predates Tahou by 100s of years.
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