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This small republic is found southeast of Vassagonia. Unlike the majority of land within the Vassan speaking nations, al-Anari is not blanketed by desert. Flat plains span most of the country, while the capital, Tahou , is situated atop the tallest hill- called Fazik bin Tahou- in the country's central rolling grasslands. Eastern Anari is a crescent shaped forest that leads into the Ma'alina Pass and into Vassagonia.

  It originally consisted of Vassan horse tribes that fled the formation of Vassagonia , through the Chah mountains of the north. Culturally, Anari is a land of study, religious devotion, and pacifism. The al-Anari despise violence, and pride themselves on their religious tolerance and open-mindedness. Anari is a relatively fertile land compared to the desertified wastes surrounding it. The expansive grasslands provide ample grazing grounds for the tens of thousands of pastoralists and their domesticated animals who are the backbone of the Anari economy.

The stretch of mountains that passes through Anari also gives the country mineral wealth in the form of gold, copper, and tin. These metals, in turn, can be seen integrated into the architecture of Anari, from intricate accents to the ostentatious blazing minarets of Tahou .

Anari's location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


At drinking establishments in Anari, there is no bar.  Rather, all dining establishments are built with private dining tables, or long tables with benches.   Alcohol is seen as a stimulant to conversation, and drinking alone is frowned upon.


Unlike most countries, gambling in games of chance is illegal in the nation of Anari. Those discovered gambling will face stiff fines and jail time.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
1 Silver Luna = 1/4 Gold Crown
Legislative Body
Anari has a senate (Anarium) that is formed from multiple representatives from each of its constituent villages and townships, with the number of representatives varying with the size of the settlement.  These 12 senators set the laws of the land and work throughout the year in Tahou.
Executive Body
The executive branch consists of a President, declared by the vote of the eldest male member of each registered family.  Families must register themselves with this administrative branch to have any standing with the government, or to be eligible to serve as a senator.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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