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Tigbuana Buso

Tigbanua buso are were a race of vicious and ghoulish creatures native to Southern Magnamund, well known around the country of Mhytan . They were the most common type of buso, the only known other type being the victims of their infection, the tagamaling buso.

Basic Information


Standing 7 feet (2.1 meters) tall and emaciated, weighing only 140 pounds (64 kilograms), tigbanuas had long and flexible necks, large bony feet, and gnarled hands with sharp claws. They had depressed noses, their mouths were filled with sharp teeth, and their hair was curly. Their skin was pale and had the texture of leather. The most distinguishing feature of a tigbanua was its large eye in the center of its head; it could be red or yellow. Tigbanuas were generally covered in dirt, filthy, or grime.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tigbuana Buso procreate sexually.

In addition, Tigbanuas transmitted a terrible disease via their claws, and any humanoid struck by them who was infected and did not seek healing became a tagamaling buso, a lesser form of the tigbanua buso.

Ecology and Habitats

Despite resembling ghouls in form and habit, tigbanua buso were not undead. They were carnivorous, and their diet consisted of the flesh of any animal or humanoid. Meat from corpses found in graves was considered a prized delicacy among tigbanuas.


Having only animal intelligence but a chaotic and evil nature, they lived alone or in small packs of up to six. They made no long-term lairs. Instead, they wandered from place to place in the hunt for prey, usually coming close to cemeteries or in rocky mountains and desolate forests. They took no treasure or trophies of the dead.

Despite their lack of intelligence, busos had their own language.


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