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Mhytan is a peaceful coalition of island states, banded together for self-protection.  They have been so far removed from the long wars that have wracked Magnamund.  They are blessed with strong forests, and seas full of fish.  In their history they have been able to favor mediation over open conflict, even negotiating strong treaties with Chai.

Regardless, they have a strong warrior tradition, strongly influenced by long-ago relations with the Shianti Empire .  The nobility prize their warrior skills and test them against each other in mock combat.

Mhytan's location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


The citizens of Mhytan maintain a strong warrior tradition that is focussed more on excellence than conquest. The heads of the military choose a member of the government buraucracy to elevate to the status of King. The king directs the country, but can do little concerning foreign affairs without the support of the militarty. Similarily, the military can do little in the country without the king.


The people in Mhytan have a strong warrior tradition, focussed on the navy. All of the strongest warriors are either sailors or marines, and land based infantry and cavalry are considered less prestigious. But, the military defers to the diplomats of the buereacracy.


The nation of Mhytan have maintained a chokehold on the Chai sea, controlling traffic and shipping. They allow ships flying the flag of Chai to pass without incident. All others are subject to seemingly random taxation.
Geopolitical, Principality
Power Structure
Feudal state
1 Ren (octagonal copper coin) = 1/10 Gold Crown
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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