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Whelm is an intelligent warhammer.  It can smash through the heaviest of armors, and project a sonic shockwave to blast back enemies.  It has a rich story in its native land of Southern Magnamund.

Whelm's purpose is to slaughter giants and goblinoids. It also seeks to protect  dwarves against all enemies. Conflict arises if the wielder fails to destroy goblins and giants or to protect dwarves.  It does not acknowledge that giants and dwarves have a common Drodarin, or dwarf ancestry. Whelm has ties to the dwarf clan that created it.  It longs to be returned to that clan. It would do anything to protect those dwarves from harm.

The hammer also carries a secret shame. Centuries ago, a dwarf wielded it valiantly for a time. But that dwarf was turned into a vampire. His will was strong enough that he bent Whelm to his evil purposes, even killing members of his own clan.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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