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Zlither was a foot soldier in the war against the Cener Druids when he was taken prisoner. The Druids poisoned and subjected him to their foul experiments. Instead of dying, his skin pigment changed to a dark black and he manifested additional powers.

He escaped with others to for the Children of Cener . When the rest of the Children of Cener met their doom at the hands of SAG Team #7 , Zlither fled.

He travelled to the Caves of Chaos and took employment with The Hidden Temple . He acted as an assassin for them for months before they too ran afoul of SAG Team #7.

After SAG Team #7 attacked The Hidden Temple , Zlither slipped away in the confusion.  He returned a day later to rescue Kira and they slipped into the Duncrag mountains.

At her insistence, they slipped into Macsen Keep to attack SAG Team #7  at the The Sealing of the Caves/Keep Armistice  .  As Zlither suspected, it went badly and he once again slipped away into the night.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Zlither is a trained foot soldier. He favors wearing studded leather armor and using a small shield. He favors the short sword but will use whatever tools are available. He has a natural dexterity of 20 and the following combat skills:
3 melee combat skill levels
+1 to OCV with short swords

The druids experiments, along with increasing his dexterity grant him the following abilities:
The ability to speak with plants
10" of teleport limited by the presence of a plant with similar mass at entry and exit
3" area of effect darkness centered on Zlither. Zlither can see in this darkness.
Year of Birth
5061 MS 36 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 6"
150 lbs
Aligned Organization


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