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Getsu Attempts to Take the Worthless Flower

Criminal Activity


Getsu , a higly intelligent Tigbuana Buso attempts to seize control of the Worthless Flower in Shotia . The Loser's Club steps in to prevent the spread of the infection, gaining the gratitude of Oyabun Shinzi .

Getsu , a higly intelligent Tigbuana Buso attempts to seize control of Shotia . He decides that the best way to do this is to convert all of the Worthless Flower gang into tagamaling servants.

He attacks multiple Worthless Flower establishments, and converts numberous soldiers, getting the attention of Oyabun Shinzi . His soldiers prove useless in fighthing Getsu as each ones fears being infected. Shinzi hires The Loser's Club for protection.

They clash with tagmaling multiple times before drawing Getsu in to attacking Shinzi 's home. During hte final attack, The Loser's Club kills Getsu with SilverpeakShotia getting in the final blow.

Out of gratitude, Oyabun Shinzi arranges for a meeting between Khelbun and The Loser's Club .

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The Loser's Club History