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Loser's Club Loots the Tomb of Amun-Re



The Loser's Club wanders the desert for days, facing starvation and dehydration. Late at night, they are approached by the long dead spirite of Amun-Re. He implores them to raid his tomb and remove the curse he called down on his land centuries ago.

They successfully raid his tomb, evading local tribes dedicated to its preservation. They face the magic wards and guardians of the tomb, successfully plundering Amun-Re's riches. They leave with gold and magic items, most notably the Star of Mo-Pelar .

Based on the Dungeon and Dragons Module
I3: Pharoah
by Tracy and Laura Hickman

Related Location
Tomb of Amun-Re
Related timelines & articles
Magnamund World History
The Loser's Club History