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The Aimless Cleansing of Bone Hill



The Aimless Group journeyed to Bone Hill and surveyed the area. After scouting the area, they laid waste to the undead and withdrew. Telvar and the rest of the forces from the Darklands quit the field.

Based on the Dungeons and Dragons Module
L1: The Secret of Bone Hill

Pelltar hired The Aimless Group to investigate and deal with the undead problem west of Lujar . They journeyed to Bone Hill and carried out a brief survey of it and the surrounding forests. Finding the area infested with undead, they killed a number of weaker undead before attempting the Hill itself.

Winter scouted the hill but was seen by sentries. He barely survived an attack by the Kraan that was assigned to Telvar . The group quickly retreated to the forest.

The next day, The Aimless Group attacked the keep and entered the catacombs while the giaks slept. They fought the undead and killed Felton Ari before they again withdrew.

While they were gone, Telvar summoned the remaining giaks and left travelling west. The Aimless Group returned to the keep and recovered the treasure that was left behind.

The negative energy effects in the catacombs persist.

Based on the Dungeons and Dragons Module
L1: The Secret of Bone Hill

Related Location
Bone Hill
Related timelines & articles
Magnamund World History
The Aimless Group History (article)