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Currency: Gold Crowns   Lujar is a small village in the country of Cloeasia. It has a small port that often serves as a landing site for a number of mercenary groups that have been hired to serve on the sourthern border of Cloeasia.   Cloeasia has a blend of cultures and styles blending the garb and culture of Vassagonia with the more reserved style and pretensions of Durenor. The soldiers and militia of Lujar sport a wide variety of armors and styles, as the mercenaries that move through the town have settled down for a more peaceful life. One can find both fencers, scimitar wielding warriors, and chain mail favoring knights among the militia of Lujar. Unlike Kadan, Lujar maintains no stables for @Itik.

In addition to acting as a host town to passing mercenaries, Lujar runs a brisk trade in lumber and maintains a number of tree farms west of the village. This lumber is used by both Cloeasia and Durenor in their shipbuilding enterprises.

The city hosts minor shrines to multiple gods, and major shrines to Kai and Nial .


  • Lujar
    This is the city map of Lujar
Owning Organization


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