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The Wolf Pack Crashes the Market



The Wolf Pack discovers that the Tabora District Market has been spying on them. They track the spy back to the Tabora District Market headquarters in Askar Warehouse I - Tabora . A massive melee ensues, and the leadership of the Tabora District Market is taken into custody.

The Wolf Pack return home to find signs that someone has been going through their belongings in Tidy Rest . They track the signs back to Larry Sykes , and follow him back to the Askar Warehouse I - Tabora .

After watching the warehouse for a day, and seeing Jessepy within, the Wolf Pack attack. They subdue and slay a number of Tabora District Market retainers. As they assault, they also run afoul of Butros and Ghali of the Kiseros . In addition, Jessepy is entertaining Xundrei Stormhand as well. These neutral parties suffer injury, but do not die at the hands of the Wolf Pack .

At the end of the combat, Jessepy lies slain, his dreams of heading up the Slovian Thieve's Guild dead with him.

The Kiseros explain that recent conflicts have been due to the Aspis queen and her soldiers falling out with the Tabora District Market . The Aspis queen has since fled the town. Xundrei Stormhand shares that she heard that Jessepy was in league with Senator Christian Chil and that they had retained an adventuring group to slay King Ormand Hennigar .

Related Location
Askar Warehouse I - Tabora
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