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The aspis (known as the Cho-Ja to the Shianti, or elf ) is a roughly humanoid ant-like creature that lives underground. An aspis is usually neutral in alignment. They are highly intelligent, but most aspis are drones that willingly serve a central hive queen.

An aspis begins its life as a larva, which resembles a giant maggot or grub, white or pale pink in color. Larvae are blind and deaf, but are able to sense food though vibration in the ground and scent. They are ravenous, always eating or trying to eat, and when a larva has fed enough, it begins to transform into an adult drone.

Adult drones are the only ones that leave the underground nest, and deal with other creatures. It has a hard, brownish-black chitinous body, and six clawed legs. It can use these extra appendages to wield multiple weapons and shields. An aspis’ head has two multi-faceted eyes and a pair of short, blunt antennae.

Rarely, an aspis larva is chosen by the drones to become a “queen”. This larva is fed a special diet and groomed until it reaches a massive length of 15 feet when fully mature. A nest’s "queen" gives birth to all future larva. The queen is armored and quite deadly, though immobile. Her legs are not strong enough to move her large girth.

Even more rarely, a larva may grow to become an aspis warrior. The warrior does no wield human weaponry, but the sharpness of its chitinous appendages make it a deadly foe. It is faster than other aspis and capable of burrowing out tunnels through the earth. It has a limited ability to sense the vibrations of footfalls in its vicinity.

Basic Information


Aspis appear as bipedal insects with 4 arms, though an aspis may use all 6 appendages to run when necessary.

Genetics and Reproduction

An aspis queen lays all eggs that eventually hatch into larva.  The "queen" is biologically mother to all drones that serve her.


The aspis organize themselves in hives, and are completely loyal to the queen of any particular hive settlement.  Should something happen to kill a queen, all aspis will go temporarily mad.  Though an aspis drone might survive and dedicate itself to a new queen, a warrior will hunt and kill in a feral fashion until it is slain.

Additional Information

Social Structure

All aspis are willingly subservient to their "queen" mother.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

A new queen will be escorted some distance away by a group of drones that will stay with her as she matures.  This is the only noted time that an aspis drone may "re-ally" itself to a new queen while the original still lives.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aspis hives commonly ally themselves with Shianti Empire noble houses that may be in the area. They have done so for thousands of years.


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